Jackie's Journey "Untold Future!"


Life had become routine in the Darien jungles of Panama. The sounds of Howler monkeys, the screeching of magnificent multicolored parrots and the beauty of the bright colored Toucan had become commonplace.  One morning we woke up to find two little spider monkeys on the front porch crawling on the girl’s bikes! 

I still could not reconcile with: the colossal spiders, the over-sized scorpions, the copious species of snakes, the blood-sucking vampire bats or the jungle army ants!  Nor would I ever find harmony with the dripping humidity and the ever-present roaches, chiggers and mosquitos!  However, I did learn to appreciate the large Iguanas for their tasty eggs.

 Daily, the Kuna’s would greet us, early, looking for sugar or oil and a morning visit.  We had become part of the community and they had begun to accept us.  We had brought healing medicine, oil, and sugar after all! 

 The Indians had, somewhere along the line, become part of our family and we had become attached to them and their way of life.  We had learned so much from them and were amazed at their physical strength compared to their small stature.  Their ability to take one bullet and return with a deer or two bullets and return with two deer was uncanny.  We, also, learned much from their survival skills in the dense jungle.  But their openness to listen to the truth of God’s Word after a year and a half of total mistrust and resistance was the most astounding of all!  

 Watching the young mothers with their babies and the respect and trust these women had for the older women in the village was heart-warming.  We had grown to love these very special people and had developed a mutually fulfilling relationship.  As they came to know Christ, our hearts were full of gratitude for the privilege of serving the King in such a rugged border region.

 The women swept the village once a week during dry season and it was an opportunity for Sue Gunsteens, my partner, and I to listen to the women chatter and hear the community gossip.  You didn’t want to miss the sweeping because you would then become the object of their conversation that day!   

However, I was consistently on guard because of something my Uncle, an orthopedic surgeon, had told me while he was visiting us at Language School.  He spoke quietly: “Jackie, you carry the TB germ from birth; it lays dormant now but could activate in the right environment or as you get older”.  I was 25 at the time, so I only had to focus on the environmental issue, I thought to myself!  Then, a year or so later, during a “Congreso” meeting, we knew we had reached a level of tribal acceptance when they offered us a gourd filled with “Chicha” and everyone drank from that one rustic cup!  Needless to say, I did not want to offend by NOT drinking from it!  

 But for me the sweeping and the common drinking gourd became an act of faith because the sweeping stirred up the tuberculosis germs and of course, the tubercular women would contaminate that cup! 

 The Lord had given me a promise while we were in missionary training.

 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,

plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future”.   Jer.29: 11

 The Lord used these powerful words of promise to banish my fear and sustain me as we swept the village, drank the “sugar-cane-sweetened platano (cooking banana) drink” and treated the TB patients in their homes and the clinic.  

 He knew my future and had it planned. There was, therefore, no reason to be troubled.  My focus was not on my fear but the need to keep in harmony with Him, His assignment and His will.

 Are you ever preoccupied with the future 

and what it holds for your life?

 In a world full of uncertainties, it is easy to “roll into” the pattern of helping God design your future, rather than simply submitting to Him and His plan that comes with assurance and hope!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Untested Unknowns!"

“Perseverance is a lowly virtue whereby mediocrity

achieves an inglorious success!”

Ambrose Bierce

 While attending Bible School, I met my husband and we were married a year later.  We had never heard of tribal people who had never had an opportunity to even hear the name of Jesus Christ!  Can you imagine?  God challenged us to take His Name to them!  My husband responded immediately to the need before him.  Yes, he would go!  He stood up quickly, as the seasoned visiting missionary, challenged the crowd for tribal missions; however, I stood frozen with my mouth wide open, in shock!  I could not believe his independent, instant response.   God had work to do in my stubborn heart.  My self-consumed willfulness held me captive!   

I was not equipped to live in the jungle…I hate spiders!  It took three days travel to get to this Indian village.  One and half day’s journey by banana boat (that’s right we slept on wooden benches) following the coastline, arriving in a remote small town to make a connection for the last ten-hour day trek upriver in an open dugout canoe!  Let’s see, I have two babies less than three years of age fighting the rapids during rainy season!  Surely, there was someone in that crowd of churchgoers more mature than I am that is willing and ready to go…not me!  I, fearfully, contemplated another 24 hours before I silently knelt with my husband and acknowledged God’s beckoning whisper to submit to His will and His very clear call to GO!  

 As a young student, untested missionary, wife and new mother I stepped out in blind obedience.  The unknown was my constant companion, as was my all-knowing God with His directing will and promises.  “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, so shall your offspring be.  Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead…since he was about a hundred years old…and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.  YET he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God being fully persuaded that GOD HAD POWER TO DO WHAT HE PROMISED.” (Romans 4:18-21)

 For over 50 years now, God’s pursuing love has driven us to claim the name of Christ.  First, to those living in the remote jungles of Panama, “in the farthest corners of the earth” (Psalm 65:8), and today, to those living in the asphalt jungles of the United States.

 We have counted it a privilege to walk day-by-day wrapped in His strength, following where He leads us.  Joyfully persevering has become a fulfilling way of life… His receiving the glory is our reward…

 What are you facing today that seems

unbelievably overwhelming and impossible?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "I Am Woman!"

Do you know how you were designed?

Ah, yes…woman…programmed and empowered with destiny and purpose!


What did God have in mind in I Peter 3: 7, when He wrote

“Husbands live with your wives in an understanding way…



I have no doubt, at this point, I have your full attention…

 We know that marriage is the proving ground for development of our loyalty to God. 

I Cor. 7:11   Understanding His purpose frees us to live within our God-given design and to fulfill the beauty of His intention.

God’s design for Women is to use sensitivity and the truest sense of loyalty to her husband:

  (1) To equip and give her tools to fulfill her role on earth, as a giver, not a taker!

(2)   To give her direction and purpose in her life

(3) To give her a sense of success and an opportunity to reflect glory back to God

(4) To know fulfillment in her calling and service

(5) To sense acceptance and appreciation for her distinction from man and to man. 

(6)   To allow her to be the completer and helpmate to her husband 


 Satan’s evil design for Women is to use sensitivity, and disloyalty to cause in man:

(1)   Suspicion in place of trust

(2)   Competition in place of unity and oneness

(3)   Insecurity in place of giving refuge and comfort

(4)   Self-protection in place of exercising protectiveness

(5)   Pride of self (man’s ideas and concepts are the same as God’s!) instead of servanthood

(6)   Defensiveness and blaming wife in place of brokenness and genuine love.

 Our Goal is to fulfill God’s design:  To learn to use Satan for God’s Glory



 The purpose and goal being to continually reflect glory back to God by using Satan and his co-horts and their evil, divisive thought patterns, as “springboards”, to remind us to step outside our little world of self-sensitiveness and offenses and pick a needy unsaved person to pray for. 

 In doing this, we reflect glory back to God, as we pour out our heart for a lost person and resist our self-life!  Of course, Satan runs when he realizes God’s power to answer that prayer! The more we are reminded to pray by our needless and petty offenses…the more God is glorified and our loyalty to Him is developed.  It’s a win…win.

 Our attitudes must reflect HIS grace in life’s situations

and not reflect our self-love…Psa. 119: 1-6

We make the choice…

 OK…how are we using our God-given sensitivity… for others, not ourselves? 

Who are you loyal to?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Do You Hear Voices?"

We, women, are drowning with voices in this day of social media. There is continual distraction from real life and the suffocating perplexities that we are forced to face daily.  The continual changing and re-defining the rules of engagement in this swirling complex current life is enough to demand a shut off of all voices!  

 “Therefore, (in the light of our frustration!) we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have heard from God, lest at any time we should let them slip.” (Heb. 2: 1)  My husband always asks unsuspecting groups, “How many of you talk to the devil? The answer, of course, is that we all do! Discerning which voice we are hearing and responding to has to be an imperative recurring consideration.

 Hearing the still, quiet voice of God (my husband calls them “thought bombs”) should be our daily experience because this is the preparation needed to be alert and attentive in the midst of life’s situations. “…failing to prepare is to prepare to fail.” One of the most important aspects of womanhood is learning to hear and respond to that still, quiet voice in instant obedience and teaching our children to do the same!  

 There are three intercommunications that we hear.  The first is the human level which is our conscience (which can be trained and untrained, can’t it?). When God walks into our life, we become re-educated in line with Biblical truths and begin to form new convictions. The second is the demonic level (comes in temptation which we have to argue with to defend our position).  This voice purposes to destroy the moral value system that God has written on our hearts, and keeps us from becoming what God has pre-determined for us. The third, and most important, is the Holy Spirit’s communication to us. He never violates His word or our conscience; He tells us what to do, when to do it, and with whom it is to be done; He rewards us with joy and a sense of peace.

Whose voice do you hear?

 Can you discern those voices?


Be alert and take earnest heed to the one voice 

that will never steer you wrong!?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Who Rocks the Cradle!"

Where have all the real mothers gone? Dr. Brenda Hunter wrote, “It’s difficult to be a mother today. At every turn, we are3 told how to exercise, diet, dress-for success, find fulfillment in a career, and share tasks equally with our husbands. Additio0nally, we are encouraged to rear good children on minimal time! The ideal mother by today’s standards is one “who can do it all. As family demands and responsibilities are changing, it is becoming increasingly more difficult for mother’s to keep proper balance between what is priority and what is not!

Are we convinced that she who rocks the cradle, rules the world?” Mothers are “the first book read and the blast book set aside in every child’s library.” There is no more influential or powerful role on earth than a mother. As significant as political, military, educational or religious public figures may be…none can compare to the impact made by mothers on their children. “Their words are never fully forgotten. Their touch leaves an indelible impression. The memory of their presence lasts a lifetime.”

I ask you…who else is anywhere near that influential?

How do we become this kind of godly mother?

“We have been given everything we ne3ed to live a godly life…” (2 Pet. 1: 3) Godly mothers walk in truth. They are attentive to their walk and keep short accounts. They practice His presence by yielding to His voice,n leading and control. They are not an excuse for other mothers, but an example. They do not claim personal “rights” or live in expectations. How do I know if I am claiming a right God never intended me to have? My anger ratio!

Albert Schweitzer said, “An example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the ONLY thing! We teach what we know, but we reproduce what we are. We should never underestimate the power of our influence…both for good and evil! Let’s purpose to do two things: Create in your prince or princess, the assurance that you yourself are what you want them to become and practice daily the same unselfish love and righteousness you ask of them.

The Goal: God’s life unhindered, through your life and mine.

Have a great week, Mom…loving those He has untrusted to you.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on February 21, 2022 and filed under Motherhood, womanhood, spiritual growth.

Jackie's Journey "Where is Your Heart Today?"

Today is Valentine’s Day!

Women all over America look forward to this day

that is set aside to receive and to share 

our devotion by gift-giving and celebratio0n.

 A child is the most undeniable magical gift given to us…and “to him who is given much, much is required”. This verse from Luke 12 is a call to action and we, women, are being given the unending challenge of our lives!

 My first child, Christina, was born during our missionary training in Boot Camp. I sat on an imaginary precipice with a volume of great practical and biblical preparation and instruction, facing a world of unknowns and in my arms…the unbelievable responsibility of a new, beautiful, precious child that was pure magic…

 That tiny loving and compliant daughter brought such joy into my life.  I was sure my heart would burst!  She also brought a fear of failure, because I know me…the real me…and I knew I could not do this job right.  God gave me a wonderful promise verse during this time that I claimed for my own.  “Faithful is He who called me, who will also do it (ifI get out of His way!).”

 Over the years, I have drawn strength from God’s promise in that verse and I have journaled these truths… both my failures and God’s faithfulness.  The only part of us that goes on and carries us into the future when we are gone is found in our heritage.  They “will pass the baton” of our beliefs, our character, our philosophies, our ideologies, etc., into the next generations.

 Motherhood is the most significant investment we will make in our lifetime!

 “Without a vision, the people perish.”  What is your vision for your child?  Do you believe that God laid out a plan for your child’s life, taking into consideration his personality, engiftment, talents and abilities?  Are you convinced that God knows best?  

 What goals and priorities have you set in order to see that vision fulfilled?  Does your husband share that vision? “We have been created in Christ Jesus for a life of good works that HE has already prepared for us to do.” Can you hear the intention and resolve in that verse?

 Each child God has entrusted to us has a personal destiny and designed purpose.

 What is your commitment?

 Our investment today will determine the fulfillment of tomorrow.

“…to whom much is given, much is required.” (Luke 12)

 Have a great week!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Plans Made...Plans Shattered!"

Ever have your plans disrupted and all your expectations blown to smithereens?  I don’t know about you, but when someone says… “Life is but a Vapor”, I get a bit antsy.  Since the New Year is looking at time and re-accessing how to use it best for another year…I don’t want to hear…” life is just “a puff of smoke”! 

I’m busy lining up my plans, my priorities and my important, meaningful goals! I can remember my 101-year-old mother, sitting on the side of the bed saying, “How did I get here…it’s impossible…it went so fast!”

“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’” (James 4: 13-17)

 Why did God call life a “vapor”? Does that mean I should not be making my own plans? Just relax and go with the proverbial “whatever will be, will be”!  What should be my attitude regarding my plans?  If I ask God’s blessing on MYplans, MY ways and MY will, I could be called a “practical atheist”!

Job lost his whole family. He loved them dearly. He sacrificed for them (to cover for any sin that they may have committed. (1:1-21).  Job’s reply to God when all was lost: "The Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.  Job had other plans for his life and his family, I am sure, yet he responded with and lived in gratefulness.

 Joseph was his father's heart. He was sold into slavery, then placed in jail on false pretenses for 13-17 years. Then he was placed second in command to the King in Egypt.  There are no records of his complaining…ever!  Joseph’s plans were altered when his brothers’ jealousy sold him into slavery, yet he lived content with God’s plan in gratefulness. (Gen 37-50)

 Ruth was married and loved her husband and extended family. She lost all of them accept Naomi, her mother-in-law.  They were left in utter poverty.  With plans other than she envisioned and a grateful heart, Ruth became the great-grandmother of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 1-4)

OUR carnal planning, asking God to bless OUR will, is presumption on God. 

 Plans made without a real and genuine "Lord-willing".

 Peter’s plan was clear when he swore his unyielding faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.  Then denied knowing Him three times! We need to take note…have we denied Him in our silence?

Our calling is to live for HIS pleasure in HIS Plan in HIS will…not our own!

 King David’s plan ordered his general to get a count of the army.  His general said, “No”, but did it.  That self-reliant plan cost the lives of 70,000 people in three days.   David’s plan failed because he had HIS plan apart from God’s will.  C. S. Lewis wrote, “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, “All right, then, have it your way!’”

Life is just a Vapor…

What is done in HIS plan, HIS will and HIS purpose has eternal value. 

 Any plan apart from harmony with HIS will …will burn as wood, hay and stubble!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Who Needs a Title?"

In a global environment where who you are is an imperative and keeping track of your every move and accomplishment or failure is a priority, it might serve us well to take a look at our titles…because they describe our responsibilities!  Knowing and doing what God and others are expecting from us gives meaning to what responsibilities are all about. (Rom.14:12) 

Abraham Lincoln said “You can’t escape the responsibility

of tomorrow by evading it today.”   

1.      I am called a wife; mother; mother-in-law; daughter; daughter-in-law; grandmother; aunt; teacher; missionary; bush nurse; author; Pastors wife…to name a few…each with unending expectations and responsibilities.

2.      Ralph, my husband, is called a Pastor, Missionary, Nutritionist; CRA Doctor; Husband; Father; grandfather; father-in-law; teacher; provider, protector…

3.      A policeman may be a traffic or patrol officer; a detective or a Captain. Responsible for our safety and to a community at large. 

4.      Soldiers carry all kinds of titles depending on their rank. Responsible for our national security and defense. We are “soldiers of the Cross”. Responsible for being “battle-ready” to defend the faith & promote the gospel. II Tim.2:2

5.      We are “Priests”. Responsible to pray & represent Him to the lost and encouraging the saved to be alive and functioning. (I Pet.2:5,9)

6.      We are called “chosen” people. (I Peter 2:5,9)

7.      We are “Saints”. Taken from the world; sanctified and set apart for His service. Serving Him in every attitude, thought, word, action, opportunity with pure motives is our primary responsibility. (Phil.4:22)

8.      We are called “Disciples”. Responsible to delight Him as followers & students of His heart, will, purpose and plan for us. (Deut. 30: 15-18) 

9.      We are called “Ambassadors” …Responsible to make Him known & to represent Him to the world everywhere. (II Cor. 5:17-19)

10.    We are called “Believers” (Present Progressive!)  Responsible to “trust in the Lord withALL our hearts and lean not to our own “stupidity” (my husband’s rendition), in ALL our ways make him known and He will direct our path.” … (Proverbs 3:5,6)

11.    We are called the “light of the world” to light the way. We are known and read by all men. (II Cor. 3:2) Responsible for our daily walk and life-message. (Matt. 5:14)

12.    We are called “Spirit-controlled.” Responsible for yielding to His control, priority & purpose. (Gal.5:22,23)

13.    We are called “slaves of righteousness”. Responsible for our choices…right or wrong! (Rom.6:16-18)

14.    We are called “Servants” for the success of others, dedicated to pleasing Him first. (Matt.20:26-28) 


This is not an exhaustive list, but a starter…

One day we will be held accountable to God for how we worked out our salvation and God-given responsibilities… (Rom. 14:12)


Are you ready?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "What? ...Why Not?"

“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. 

 If encouraged, it cuts a channel 

into which all other thoughts are drained.” Arthur Somers Roche


I’m a mom and when someone says, “Don’t worry”, I instantly balk!  I know worry is sin.  I know God is in control of all the current chaos.  The command in this portion of Scripture is “do not worry” about life, our future (current chaos included!), food, our bodies, or clothing.  God feeds all the birds in the air and the animals in the world. (Luke 12:22-31) His question to us is, “how much more valuable are people, believers, than the birds?”  

 For us women worry has a purpose that gives it value!  Do you know what it is?   Worry is purposed to place needs on our hearts to be converted into prayer.  We are to cast our cares or worries on Him who can do something about it.  The question is, then, “why do we worry?”  Why do we feel we have an ounce of control? Being responsible is not the issue here.  Being negligent in our relationship to Him is.  Our only real concern should be how we are linked to God in this existing growth process.  Is He really first in my life?  Is my primary concern in life pleasing Him?  Am I a light to those in darkness?  Do I prepare daily for the task or desires that He places on my heart?

 “…Oh you of little faith.”  

God is asking us…why we doubt Him?

 What has He done that is not believable?  “Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink: do not worry about it.”(Lu. 12:28,29)   Why Not?  That is not our goal.  Lost people worry about such things because they are their own and only hope.

 What is the promise?

 “Seek the King and His kingdom, and all these things will be given to you”. (Luke 12:31)

 Place your future (regardless of present circumstances), wealth, talents, time and pleasure in His hands, so He can convert it into souls.  Aim for treasures that will last forever. (Lu.12:32-34)

 All the above is to prepare our lives for service to the King and to be at His service for the benefit of others.  The exchanged life is our hearts and lives alert to His commands, while He is concerned about our needs…future (regardless of chaos all around), food, clothing, housing, health, family, education relationships etc.  (Lu.12:35-38)   He will return to get His people… when? (Lu. 12: 40)

Will we be ready?

 In verses Luke 12:45-46, God finds the unfaithful doing his own thing.  His life is a fraud.  Hell is his final destination.  He enjoyed his sin for a season and had his time of pleasure. (Luke 12:45-46)  We are held accountable for our relationship to Him and how we have spent our lives. 

 “Worry is Prayer Inside-Out…” Ralph Johnson

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Where Do We Focus in all this Muddle?"

I’ve been thinking this past week of the myriad of issues that we, as mom’s, are being challenged with and the decisions we are being asked to make, both for ourselves and our children.  How are we to know what is best, not just expedient?  

With social media giving unprecedented direction into every area of our lives, where should our focus be?  The supreme court is arguing this morning over “mandates” regarding some of these issues and what should be Federal Law?  With the turmoil in our world and the global world spinning out of control, where do we go to get grounded?  Where is the hiding place of refuge? 

“He (She) did EVIL because he (she) did not set his (her) heart to seek the Lord”. (2 Chron. 12: 14)   For moms, the thought of “missing the boat” with our children is pre-eminent!  We only have one short span of opportunity with them.  To seek the Lord is a present progressive verb…meaning… ongoing, never-ending action.  We are to connect with Him daily. (Romans 6:18 )  We are “freed from sin and forgiven… to do right”.  New Focus!

This is the most concise definition of evil found in the Bible.  It says that we are robbing God and ourselves by not living in that way.  “Setting our heart” is fixing it on the Creator, the one in total control. We are created to fulfill what we, with Him, are to do.  Our designed purpose is “to do the will of God on earth, even as it is being done in Heaven”. (Matthew 6:10)

We are “created for a life of good works that He has prepared before-hand for us to do”. (Ephesians 2:10)   He has given us the equipment we need to face the disorder and to step up to the plate, with God-confidence that we are not hindered by “evil” in our lives and can face the future without fear.

 “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (and all these things mentioned above v. 27-32) will be added to you”. Matthew 6:33    This is the section in Scripture on why we, moms, do not need to worry! He wants to supply for His family, like any good father, as His family yields to His will and ways.

Evil is doing our own thing.  We have two choices:  “Wisdom from above”, as described above or “wisdom from below”…Satanic, that which is selfish, proud, and envious. (James 3:13-15)   We cannot separate selfishness from Satan or pride.

 Sacrificing our will and desires means surrendering to God’s will, bringing us into His will and our purpose. (Romans 12:1,2) In Matthew 7:21,22, there was a group of people doing their version of God’s will, but doing it their own way.  He said, “depart from me, I never knew you.” They were doing, what appeared to be the same as the apostles, but it was in self-motivated satanic power.  

Who discerned that?  The Lord Jesus did!

What is His will in general for all believers?  Fish for men. (Matt. 4:19); Walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16.); Seek Him in the Scriptures daily to understand His heart.  It always involves service.  He came to serve, not to be served.  He lives in the believers to continue to do just that.  He is the same today, yesterday and forever.

 “The eyes see what the heart loves.  If the heart loves God and is single in this devotion (focus), then the eyes will see God whether others see Him or not.” Warren Wiersbe, Live Like a King

Let’s be wise moms this coming year and stay God-focused…

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on January 17, 2022 and filed under character and virtue, motherhood.