Jackie'sJourney: "Praying God's Words"

“Praying God’s Words”

Would you like to inspire greatness and godly ideals in your little princess?

“Prayer is the preface to the book of Christian living,

the text of the new life sermon,

the girding on of the armor for battle,

the pilgrim’s preparation for his journey;

and it must be supplemented by action

or is amounts to nothing.”  Anonymous

“Princess Prayers” is the latest of our books in The Princess Parable Series.  This charming hardbound book introduces your child to the wonderful world of communicating with God.  As you read the pages, your little one will be listening to God’s words from the verse that is intertwined in a delightful rhyming prayer. It has been carefully written with your child’s perspective in mind.  Your princess will be caught up in the sincerity of the melodious tone of the words.  The illustrations are captivating and will visually invite your child to listen and participate with you.  Crystal Bowman penned the thoughtful content and we are thrilled to be able to bring Princess Prayers to you and your little one.

Arriving just in time for Easter, “Princess Prayers” is available on www.Amazon.com, www.Barnesandnoble.com  or at a local bookstore near you.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on April 10, 2017 and filed under Announcements.

Jackie's Journey "Princess Prayers"

“Princess Prayers”

Once upon a time, in a magnificent castle perched high on a hill, lived five princesses.  Their names were Joy, Grace, Faith, Charity and Hope.  They were blessed to be the daughters of the King…together they explore the kingdom, grow in virtue and discover the importance of beauty within.

As moms we prayerfully believe God to reach each of our little prince and princesses for His kingdom.  Our greatest joy is to know our little one is secure in the heart of the King of Kings.  We look for ways to creatively take the Word of God and through reading and teaching, to see each one come to understand the acceptance and provision of our loving God.  Developing character and virtue is included in those teachable moments we are given consistently every day!

Inspired by Jesus’ Parables our little girls can learn about God, His Kingdom and His love for them from a princess perspective.  This month The Princess Parable Series is overjoyed to announce the arrival of our newest release, “Princess Prayers”!

The five princesses invite you to join them

as they begin to pray verses of God's Word

into the heart of your little one

through the pages of Princess Prayers.

Arriving just in time for Easter, “Princess Prayers” is available at www.Amazon.com, www.Barnesandnoble.com  or a local bookstore near you.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackies Journey "Obedience Required?"

As moms we’ve got this wired.  When we talk about obedience, our mind instantly goes to the need we have to teach our little prince and princess to be obedient, to listen and respond to our voice and learn the difference between the peace obedience brings and the chaotic consequence that comes when disobedience triumphs. After all, we are convinced that the right choice will determine their success in the future.  In the Princess Parable Series we were careful to reinforce the principle of obedience to their authority and father, the King.  It is important that our little ones learn to respect us and hear our voice, so, that one-day, they will hear the voice of the King of Kings.

This is great for the kids, but what about us?

Obedience should be the inspiration of every action and approach to Him.  As moms we are confronted continually with circumstances that call us to note if obedience to God’s truth is the rule in our life or just the exception.  If our obedience is the exception to the rule and disobedience is the practice, we need to be reminded that the provision for our success has already been made for us!  We have been given everything we need to live in godliness (obedience required!)…so we have no excuse!  “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness…!” II Peter 1: 1

Obedience to what the Word says has supreme importance in the Bible

and should have in our hearts and minds.

 Have we given obedience that supreme place of authority over us?

 It is easy to get up running and not look back until we collapse in bed at night!  Often disregarding that little voice that calls us to yield to the one certificate of Christian character…obedience to what He says.  “Seeing you have purified your souls in your obedience to the truth. I Pet. 1: 22   “The whole acceptance of the truth of God was not just a matter of intellectual assent or strong emotion; it was a subjection of the life to the dominion of the truth of God.   The Christian life was in the first place obedience”.  Andrew Murray 

”He that says I know Him but does not keep His commandments is a liar”! I John 2: 4 Obedience is the demonstrated fruit that authenticates a new and productive life.  Obedience is the secret of a good conscience and assures us that God hears us.

“And whatsoever we ask we receive of Him,

Because we keep His commandments

and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.” I John 3: 22

Our little ones know when we are lying on the phone (that so and so is sick or not home).  They know when we write a doctors excuse for the school office for an unexcused absence.  They watch us text and drive.  They listen to our attitudes and conversations with others and our spouses.  They watch as we take notes in church and nothing changes.  They see us consumed with social media, FB, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. They read our spirit when we are fearful.  They are continuouslywatching and listening…

Are we living a double standard where disobedience is accepted behavior

or do they see a confirmation that obedience

has that supreme place of authority in our lives?

 Obedience is not optional!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Who Keeps the Ten Commandments...Anyway?"

How often have I heard my husband ask this question?  Maybe 10,000 plus times!  This blog is his study, developed in a small town in Nebraska the months before leaving for Panama and over the years it has become mine.  Please join me for a walk down a memory lane that is forever current! You won’t be sorry…

Clearly our lives are fraught with choices.  Life happens and the consequences of our daily decisions become the testimony of a life well spent or the one that was wasted!  The Ten Commandments were given to show us our spiritual condition and our great need for God in those decisions.  They were never given as a guideline for us to live by because there is no way we could ever measure up!  They do, however, clearly and consistently illustrate that the choices we make between obeying or violating them determines the end result! (Exodus 20: 3-17)

Why did God give us the Ten Commandments?

Are they a mirror into our souls to reveal who we really are?

Does everyone have these moral laws written on their hearts? Romans 2:15

1.     The first commandment is to have no other gods before Him.  Selfishness and pride have become gods in our culture!  How much time do you spend on the Internet, social media, etc.  Do Hollywood personalities interest you more than time with God?

2.      Do not tell lies.  Who do you know who does not tell lies? Easy to answer a cell call or text while driving.  Slowing down when police are spotted.  Making promises that are too often not kept.

3.      Do not steal.  We rob joy from others.  We steal emotionally through anger, selfishness and pride.  Is immorality in mind or body a theft?

4.     Love God above all things.  Is He not below most of our pursuits?  Our “rights”, what we put before our eyes, sex, drugs, sports, alcohol and much more, are often first.

5.     Do not commit adultery in mind or body is the command.  Where are the innocent of this?  How do you respond when lust and adultery are accepted in music, social media, etc.  Do you turn it off?   Today morals are mocked!

6.     Do not murder.  Jesus said hatred in our hearts is murder! Do you have bitterness in your heart?

7.     Do not use the Lord’s name in vain.  “Oh my God, it’s going to rain.” “Oh my God” is spoken without thought and listened to in most communication and on every media. It’s commonplace in our culture! We can’t turn it off!

8.     Do not desire your neighbor or their things?  Surely, we see coveting, envy and jealousy as a prevalent problem! What car does your neighbor drive? Just asking…

9.     Keep the Sabbath day holy.  Sunday is our resurrection day. How is it used? After church, most of the day is reserved for me, myself and I!

10. Do not bear false witness (gossip).  Who do you know who is not a gossip?

11. Obey your mother and father.  Who does that?  Some do better than others, but we are all rebellious at heart. What do you do when authority is challenged, rejected, belittled or neglected in the media or personally?  Do you accept it and say or do nothing?

How is it possible to break all the commandments and love God?

I’m a mom and I know nobody but a perfect God has kept all of these!  The pathway to God is to first examine our hearts in the reflection of these commands.  They reveal the spiritual cancer in our souls, that sinful nature which draws us to the dark side of life.  An honest evaluation will strip us of self-confidence and turn our hearts to the only one who can rescue our souls.

God said that every inclination and thought of the heart is only evil continually.  Gen 6:5   There is none good, no not one. Romans 3:10-12  

What is the purpose of the 10 Commandments? 

Its purpose has never changed.  It reveals our true self and our desperate need for Him.  His life in us requires our death to self.  “If anyone wants to come to me, He must first deny himself, pick up the cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23

Those who obey His commands live in Him, and He in them.

 And that is how we know He lives in us.”  I John 4:24

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Keep 'em Busy" Part Two


HELLO.  This is your friend the devil writing again. This is our follow-up meeting from last week’s guidelines with some specifics that will help us accomplish our goal.  At our last convening we discussed the topics for our worldwide convention.  This morning’s assembly will be shorter in length, but more personal and direct in our reaching optimum success.

Remember the goal is to keep those moms busy while we steal, kill and destroy them from within. Jn. 8:44             Let me give you the key to see this plan successfully accomplished:

Teach them to think about themselves.  Talk about themselves.   Use “I” as often as possible.  Mirror themselves continually in the opinion of others.  Listen greedily to what people say about them.  Make sure they expect to be appreciated and that they are suspicious, jealous and envious.  They should be self-sensitive to slights from others and never forgive a criticism.  They should trust nobody but themselves.  Make sure they insist on consideration and respect.  They should demand agreement with their own views on everything.  They should sulk if people are not grateful to them for favors shown them.  Teach them to be on the lookout for a good time for themselves and to shirk their duties if they can. Instruct them to do as little as possible for others and to love themselves supremely.  Make sure they are not only selfish but full of pride, seeking comfort and convenience.  Teach them to focus on the temporal and superficial…”  

Does this paragraph sound like anyone you know?

 It’s a full proof plan.  When families are busy stealing joy from one another, killing Godly opportunities and destroying relationships and godly pursuits of righteousness…we will have them defeated. Division and fragmentation of the family will expedite our efforts. 

As moms we need to know the evil plan against us and take courage in the power of our Conqueror, Jesus Christ.  We do not want to be the door that opens activity into our homes to the evil one.  We are at war…there is no room for lethargy, rebellion and disobedience, pride or selfishness!  We don’t shoot our wounded.  We take action!  We walk in His holiness and set the pace for those coming after us. We commit ourselves to the One who has already won the victory.  We become aggressive followers of the King of Kings and do what His instruction book commands us to do without rationalization.  We enthusiastically seek the lost and disciple the saved.  We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of our Almighty God (I Pet. 5:6), practice His presence and give our little ones an example to follow and a hope for the future.

Doesn’t that sound like a better plan?

 We can’t walk with God holding the hand of the devil…

Whose hand are you holding?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie'sJourney "Keep 'em Busy!" Part One

“Keep ‘em Busy!” Part One

 HELLO.  This is your friend the devil writing.  I want to thank you for following my suggestions in the past.  You have been a big help in what I’m trying to build. Let me remind you of some guidelines to follow.  Your support has been a big help in the past and will help even more in the future.

I am calling a worldwide convention.  In my opening address to my dark angels, I said, “We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth.  We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate abiding relationship experience in Christ.  If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So, let them go to their churches.  Let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, rob their joy, and destroy their relationships.

This is what I want you to do. Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!

“How shall we do this?” the dark angels shouted.  “Keep them in nonessentials of life and invent innumerable activities to occupy their minds.” Never bring up controversial topics such as, abortion, pornography, gambling, drinking, drugs, sexual immorality or any such private sins.  Let someone else do it.  Your plate is already full. Put your emphasis only on corporate sins. Forget individual responsibility.

Always remember that there is no such thing as absolute truth.  All things are relative.  Be sure and place spiritual needs at the bottom level of life. Never speak out on any issue using Christian values as a perspective.  Remember the only thing necessary to be a good Christian is to go to church when you can, give a little money if you can.  Remember that your faith should be a private matter.  Never try to apply it anywhere else.  Remember… separation of church and state!

And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotion. Don’t speak of the consequence of sin. Encourage them to continue to ignore the Bible. Like the Constitution, it is outdated and useless.

Go ahead; let them be involved in soul-winning.  But busy their lives with so many good activities that they have no time to seek power from Christ.  Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause.  It will work!  It will work!

Fully engage their minds so they cannot hear that still, small voice. Entice them to the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, Instagram, Pinterest… etc.  Keep the T.V., Cable, Video games, C.D.’s Music…etc. going constantly.  And see to it that every public building in the world plays secular music constantly.  This will jam their minds and interfere with any God-consciousness.

Don’t worry about the moral character of our leaders. Blame government and big business. Make sure they depend on the government to do things for them.  Let the government raise, educate and teach their children right and wrong. Remember common sense can never compete against bureaucracy!   See to it that the children are neglected by their parents.  The evil one continued.  Tempt them to spend, spend, spend and borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade them to do whatever it takes to maintain their lifestyle. Even in their recreation, let them be excessive…keep them busy, busy, busy. The family will divide and splinter and the pressures will cause destruction from within. The goal is to steal, kill and destroy the family!

It was quite a convention.  And the evil angels went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busy, busy, busy and to rush here and there. 

I guess the question is:

Has the devils plan been successful?

In the course of the year 2000, I read three separate articles that I have combined and revised here for us in 2017.  The message is as relevant today as it was 17 years ago.

You be the judge!            B – Being

                                         U – Under

                                         S – Satan’s

                                         Y – Yoke

 How BUSY are you?

There are many suggestions I want to share with you later, the evil on continued.   I will write again.  Next week I will give you the key to see this plan successfully implemented.  You are excused for now.  See you next week!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Monotony is the Worst!"


To the degree a person is not developing his own ability toward a common objective… he will experience boredom!  To offset monotony and to escape a meaningless life and a sense of lack of purpose we find ourselves pleasure seeking.  Boredom and pleasure seeking are both signs we have set shortsighted goals or no goals at all.

At the first of the year we set lofty goals and our intentions were good.  I Thess. 5: 21 says to “hold on to the good…” but good intentions are not enough to combat the lethargy of our spirit!  Verse 22 says to avoid every kind of evil. Verse 23 says , “May God himself sanctify us through and through.  May our whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless…Verse 24, and then He says, HE is faithful and HE will do it!

We have no excuse for being bored or having unfulfilled goals!

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong (woman) stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better.  The credit belongs to the (woman) who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends (herself) in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumphs of high achievement and who at the worst if (she) fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that (her) place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt

 As moms, we are consumed with the desire to dare greatly in the lives of our husband, children and the success of our home.  We want to be the wife whose husband is admired and spoken well of at the gate because of our testimony and loving service.  We are living in a spiritual war zone and we can’t shelter warriors…we train them to prepare for battle and fight.  We have two goals…how do we reach a darkened, lost world and how do we heal a broken world.

We aspire to carry His burden by being equipped to reach the lost and encourage the saved.   We teach our children to recognize the enemy and to keep their eyes on the Victor and Savior of our souls.  We pray and focus on eternal goals and teach our little prince and princesses to see God in circumstances and struggles with grateful hearts, as we set the example before them.  We read the Bible to them and teach them how to hear God’s voice.  We teach them to fear God and the consequence of sin. 

There is no time to be world-weary or consumed with pleasure seeking.  We are pressed to dare greatly for the cause of the cross, following the One who actually knows where we are headed in this maze called life.  Inspired by His example we keep busy with the things on His heart and find our lives are filled, full and content.

Where do you find yourself this morning? 

Are you bored or are you enthusiastically looking for what God is going to do today?   Have your goals been shortsighted or are you on point?


My birthday was last Monday and I am choosing to tackle

the opportunities of another year and dare greatly

Will you join me?


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on February 27, 2017 and filed under Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth, Motherhood.

Jackie's Journey "We Moms Are Called A Lot Of Things, But..!"

Holy is in popularity only 10% of words.  Holy is one of the least used terms or adjectives to describe a woman.  We are called a lot of things but rarely does anyone describe us as holy.  Why is that?    New Testament letters are often addressed to holy brothers and sisters.  Could it be that the word “holy” is not understood and is an attribute only reserved for God?  Are we not called to be a “holy” people; set apart by God; dedicated to His global purpose; divinely commissioned and empowered by His grace and devoted to all that is righteous?

 “To the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse.”  Col. 1:2.3   Who is the holy brother?  Not everyone is a “holy” brother or sister.  Elisabeth Elliott said,  “We are women, and my plea is… Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is.”  The “holy” issue is even addressed in our wedding vows…we are “joined together in the bonds of holy matrimony”

Holiness is a command and a calling.  Leslie Ludy wrote to all of us moms and grandmas regarding this important decision and I quote:

“God does not want:

·      a girl who trifles with Christianity. 

·      A girl who prays tepid, lukewarm prayers

·      A girl who is self-adorning with the latest fashion and trends

·      A girl who dishonors and belittles her parents or husband

·      A girl whose Bible is an accessory to her wardrobe

·      A girl whose tongue is a deceptive weapon of pride and selfishness

God does want:

·      A woman who is radically given to Christ

·      A woman who lives in defiance of the powers of Hell

·      A woman adorned with the inner jewelry of Christ given holiness

·      A woman who honors the authorities God has placed in her life and serves them with charity and gladness

·      A woman who hungers and thirsts to know the Lord and who diligently feasts on His Word

·      A woman whose words drip with the honey of the name of Jesus.

 I Thess. 4:7 “God did not call us to be impure, but to live a HOLY life.”

“Ironically, those most holy are the least likely to see themselves that way”.  Mark Buchana   “The greatest test of our holiness is whether it produces humility in us.  The holiest will be the humblest”. Andrew Murray   Our greatest enemy is pride and selfishness…the wicked antithesis of holiness.  Alas, our understanding of “holy” takes form. We are called a lot of things because we guard our pride and selfishness instead of surrendering them to experience His holiness!   

The exchange is life changing!

“Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in Scripture.  It is the habit of agreeing in God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word.”  J.C. Ryle      

“One of the consequences of pride and selfishness is that it makes the sinner pity himself instead of causing him to turn to God.  One of the first signs of new life is that the individual takes sides with God against himself!” Donald Gray Barnhouse

 On which side are you?


               Want to be holy? Want your kids to see what it looks like?

Walk a surrendered life with Him, aware of His presence with no unconfessed sin

and nothing between you and another person.

The key to holiness is knowing your need

and keeping short accounts with God. 

Make God’s heart happy…take a stand against yourself and choose holiness.


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Just in Time for Valentine's Day!"

Princess Joy, Grace, Hope, Faith and Charity request the honor of your presence and hope you will join their enchanted celebration, whether as an extraordinary birthday with friends, a dreamy Valentines event, a fancy Tea Party or a treasured mommy-daughter bonding.

 We are announcing our Royal Princess Parable Party Packet just in time for Valentines Day!  Choosing to step outside fantasy and into the magical kingdom and authenticity of a loving and accepting God, our Party Packet will strengthen the belief that God made your little princess special and designed her with destiny and purpose.

 We designed our party inspirations for any event in the life of your little princess!  Tomorrow, Valentines Day is a perfect day to take a peek and begin enjoying the princesses’ party ideas.

 The Royal Princess Parable Party is a packet that can be downloaded from www.theprincessparables website.  It will inspire and enthusiastically motivate your child’s fun and enjoyable experience.  The Royal Party is carefully designed for girls 4-8.  It uniquely includes a personal invitation from each princess, detailed recipes, decoration ideas, activity cards with a specific character quality in the name of the Princess character, a Princess Parable Thought from the heart of the Princesses and instructions throughout that make it easy to create an event that is personalized and just right for the princess in your life.

 The innocent imagination of a small child and images of truth, hope, loyalty, joy, grace, charity and faith are a few of the magnificent opportunities that are ours when we accept the Royal Parable Princesses delightful invitation…



Jeanna and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy Sanchez for her hours of devoted labor, unending patience and perfect formatting of this work and Gina Johnston who, in nanotime, published it on the website in time for my birthday and Valentines Day!  Thank you, girls!  And thank you, Zondervan for the inspiration!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on February 13, 2017 and filed under Announcements, Motherhood, Character and Virtue.

Jackie's Journey "Eyes that See..."


“Eyes that See…”


           When was the last time you looked up toward heaven and thanked God for your sight?  “Ears that hear and eyes that see…the Lord has made them both”.  Proverbs 20:12  My granddaughter, Catherine, is leaving for college next fall and has been busy sending applications to various colleges around the country.  I was touched by an essay she wrote and I know you will be too…

 Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

            You don't always get to choose your circumstances in life, but you do get to choose how you respond to them.  In 2005 I remember walking into the classroom of my first grade class. The teacher introduced herself and she pointed to something written on the whiteboard.  I had no idea what she was pointing at, but she kept reading what was supposedly written there.  My peers began to copy down what was invisible to me. Why could they see what was written and I couldn’t?

     The whole day seemed to pass in a blur (literally) as I tried to figure out what was wrong with me.  I remember looking at objects in the distance, like trees, as we walked to the science building, and realized that I could not see the leaves that I knew were there. My parents were concerned and set up an appointment with an ophthalmologist.  Doctor Leila examined my eyes and announced that I was legally blind.  My prescription, instead of being a perfect 20/20, was 20/-2.00.  I was seven years old and every year since then my eyesight has progressively weakened by -1.00.  As I approached my 18th birthday my sight started stabilizing.  Today I am close to 20/-6.00.  Anything -4.00 and above is considered extreme.  Without lenses I can barely recognize my own hand if it is nearly touching my nose.     

     Sight is something that we all take for granted.  It is a constant gift that allows us to carry on with our everyday activities and enjoy the world’s beauty.  Last year I attended a life changing conference in Los Angeles known as WE Day”.  Over ten thousand people were invited to participate in this event.  I was fortunate enough to be selected along with thirteen others from my high school. I can’t imagine going more than ten minutes without being able to see clearly in such an unpredictable world, let alone a whole lifetime!  “WE Day” inspired me to help those who cannot see.  I had the opportunity to listen to speakers talk about how their particular area of interest motivated them to create change.  One inspired person can change the world.  It sparked an interest in me to pursue a career in medicine so that I can one day make a difference in someone else’s life.  There is nothing that brings me more joy than watching a child put on glasses and see clearly for the first time.

    Despite being legally blind I have been a 4.1 GPA student with four AP achievements in a highly competitive high school.  My family and my faith helped me to realize that I do not have to be defined by my disabilities.  Through hard work and determination, I realize that my academic success had more to do with intelligence than my ability to see.  I cannot see like normal” people do, nor can I go out into the world without contacts or glasses, but I have learned that my life is not defined by the things I can and cannot see, but rather by the things I can and will accomplish. I have had the privilege of playing tennis at a competitive level since I was ten, I surf, wakeboard, volunteer at school and in my local community, play beach volleyball and snowboard with my family, and hike and explore many breathtaking places in our world.  Without the modern technological advances, I would not have been able to do any of the things I love most in life.  I have chosen to respond to these circumstances by allowing them to inspire me. 

 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”.  II Corinthians 4:18

 What do you do with your difficult circumstances?

 “Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see…” Psalm 119:18

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.