Jackie's Journey: My Shadow Princess

Generations of Virtue







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As the plane lifted into the sky, I caught a glimpse of the entire village waving farewell.  There was one girl who stood in front of the crowd, crying.  I would miss her most of all! 

That young girl was my nearest neighbor and she quickly became my shadow.  When two-month-old Kim would cry, she would run quickly to get her and bring her to me.  I did not understand her kind action but I always thanked her and stopped whatever I was doing to receive Kim into my arms. 

Later I would learn what a very special gift I was receiving. The Kunas were very accommodating and took turns caring for each other’s babies, freeing mothers to leave the village and go into the jungle to tend their fields for hours. When the baby cried, the first to reach the distressed child would nurse that baby!

In our village, some of the mothers had tuberculosis, and  “my shadow” had dutifully protected Kim for those early months after our entering Kuna land.  Our permission to live in Pucuro was granted by the Kuna elders, specifically to bring medicine to the women who were losing their babies during childbirth and care for the sick.  In those early days, we were oblivious to much of their culture, yet silently God met my “unknown need” through the loving heart of a beautiful Indian princess named Anita.  

Like Jacob of old in the “barren and howling waste of the desert”, ”He (God) shielded us and cared for us, He guarded us as the apple of His eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them on its pinions.”  (Deut. 32:10-11)  The eye of an eagle can detect a rabbit or fish from over a mile away!  How much more is the protective eye of God on those who walk with Him.  

What is your understanding of God’s protective hand?

Did you know it comes with a condition? 

 “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases Him.”  1 John 3:21 

Promises given in Scripture are generally followed by a condition. 

Living under the divine protection of the Almighty God is a promise guaranteed, if we choose to walk by His standards and not our own.  Knowing He is invisibly working on our behalf when we are totally unaware of our need is a magnificent reality to comprehend when finally revealed in the light!  And it is a daily reminder to “walk our talk” so our heart does not condemn us.

 “The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; and the Lord shall cover him all day long…”  Deut. 33: 12

Fear of the Lord

One Sunday, I looked at my family as we walked into church.  My kids and husband donned shorts on and flip-flops.  We went into worship in a casual setting with hands lifted high to our very contemporary worship and listened to our pastor, who was wearing jeans.

Of course, this scene is common now among churches, especially here in sunny Southern California.  However, when I was a kid, we wore long dresses, sang hymns and took communion every Sunday.  We were quiet as we listened to the scripture reading and knew that if we weren’t, my grandmother would hit us over the head from the pew behind with a rolled up bulletin.

While recently studying Psalm 34, I began to ask myself whether my kids are learning the fear of the Lord.  Am I a woman who fears the Lord?

When doing my study, I researched the Hebrew word for “fear”. In this particular Psalm, the word “fear” stems from “yare”:  which literally means to be afraid, shake in your boots – but also to stand in awe of, to reverence, honor and respect. 

In the English language, we have many meanings to the word fear.  I can fear the rats in my home. I can fear conflict.  I can fear earthquakes.  I can fear old age.  I can also fear a great, awesome and holy God.   We do not have an equivalent word for yare in the English language.  It takes many words to make up for just one Hebrew word.  But because the Hebrew language was so clear, they knew that this word “yare” meant to know who God is – his power, his strength, his attributes, his greatness– and then not take him for granted.  They knew not to put God in a box because at any given point and time He can strike us dead. But even more than that, we must have an awe that the God of the universe loves me and is patient with me.  Fearing the glory and majesty, we cannot understand, except with respect and humility.

In Psalm 34, David invites us to come and learn what it means to fear the Lord because as we all know God says, “Fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. (Proverbs 9:10, Ps. 111:10, Proverbs 1:7)

David commands us to fear the Lord (v.9) and then he promises for those of us who do, we will want for nothing.  I am reminded that this promise does not mean that whatever we want will come our way, but whatever God deems good for us.

There is a quiz in these verses (v. 9-14): one to ask ourselves.  How do I answer these questions?  They are all actions of personal obedience.  Choices we make.  How we own our life.

 Am I a woman who fears the Lord?  Let’s find out:

Do I keep my tongue from evil?  I want so much to be the woman who has no evil reports, who doesn’t enjoy gossip, who encourages others, who thinks the best of others.  This sin has been passed on from generation to generation- all the way back to my great-great grandmother. I prayed for this sin to be broken in me when I became born again.  I prayed especially for the generations after me.  If I am to be a woman who fears the Lord, then I must keep my mouth from evil.

Do I lie or do I deceive?  A woman who fears the Lord will not lie or deceive.  My dad was a General Manager of a car dealership for 35 years – need I say more.  I was a huge liar as a kid until I met Jesus when I was 27 and I did an about take.  But if I fear the Lord and the consequences of this sin, I will not tell a lie. If the Holy Spirit resides within me, I cannot deceive and get away with it. 

Do I run from mind-corrupting evil?  A woman who fears the Lord doesn’t dwell in the house of the evil one.  Are you cutting more and more of the world out year to year or are you letting more and more of it in?  Are you becoming more slack when it comes to the kinds of movies and TV shows that you watch? Are the books that you read and the music that you listen to glorifying the Lord? What has God asked you to give up lately for him?   For me to stay away from evil, I ask this question:  “What is right with it?” instead of “What is wrong with it?” A woman who fears the Lord runs from evil.

Do I do good? If I want to be wise and fear the Lord, then I will do the work here on earth because I love the Creator of the universe.  He is so patient with me and I deserve so little. He has filled His book, His Word, with practical ways for us to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God” Micah 6:8.  I will do good, serving Him because I want to be His girl and will do whatever He signs me up for.

Do I look everywhere peace? Those who fear God run after peace. She looks for it. She is certain that as far as it depends on her, she is at peace with all people (Rom. 12;18).  Do I need to forgive someone?  Do I need to ask forgiveness of someone else?  Is my home and my life a place of peace or does chaos follow me? Do I strive for peace in all areas of my life?  Blessed is the peacemaker (a man who fears the Lord), for he shall be called a son of God. (Matt. 5:9)

But for today I take it to him “Lord, am I the woman you want me to be?  Am I a woman who fears you?  If not, show me the way!”

Posted on March 26, 2015 and filed under Character and Virtue, Motherhood, Spiritual Growth.

Jackie's Journey: Living an Illusion?

Generations of Virtue







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"Take My yoke upon you and learn of me…!” Matt. 11:29

How would you describe your Christian walk?  Up and down, peaks and valleys?  Good days and bad days?   Would you characterize your spiritual life as vibrant and free or continually battling your self-life (your personal rights, depression, unresolved relationships, entitlement…)? 

Are you living a “Christian illusion”?


If you want to learn of me, put your head in the yoke!

 What?!  No way!  Who does that?




“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden light”!    (Matt. 11:28-30)               

The Church will instruct us

The Bible will inform us

Prayer will empower and direct us. 

But only…The Yoke will teach us how to live and respond “in the Spirit” to life situations on a continual basis.

Ezekiel 37:1-6 is a lesson on a “valley of dry bones”.  What does that have to do with my spiritual walk, you ask?  Lots!  Spiritual deadness is a permeating and engulfing phenomenon in our culture, churches, homes and hearts.  It sort of swallows us up like a tsunami!  Biblical Christianity is defined by our consistent attitudes in life practice.

We carry seeds of decay through disobedience and rebellion toward God (i.e. anger, jealousy, self-love…).  We have adopted patterns through wrong influences and teachings (friends, music, ungodly worldviews, Hollywood, social media...).  Maybe we have been a believer since we cannot remember BUT there are places where we really do NOT know our own need.  Our life has become an illusion of biblical Christianity.  There is a measure of self-confidence and pride built on our bones…

God says, “I will make breath enter you and you will come to life”.  God works out of Death!   Death to self!  His desire is to breathe life into our dead bones, moment by moment.     No illusion here…

An illusion is a lie; it is not real.  Disillusionment with our daily walk is a gift of God… a challenge to enter into the yoke with Him and His rest... learning from His gentle and humble heart.

 There are two yokes: 

  1. The yoke with Christ and righteous purposes
  2. The yoke with Satan and his kill, steal and destroy (life) purposes (Jn.10: 10)     

We choose who is in the yoke with us with every choice we make!  

My husband asked me if every choice I make is a spiritual one.  For the life of me, I could not think of a single one that is not!  Can you think of one that is not a deliberate choosing of one kingdom or the other? 

By taking Christ’s yoke upon us, we yield our right to do as we please, and we learn the wishes and commands of Christ our leader.

God is not nearly as concerned with what we are going through as He is with our response to what we go through.  His chief concern is that our attitude becomes consistent with His Son.  The question is:  Who do you choose to be in the yoke with you today?   There are only two choices! 

Choose wisely, young mothers, little ones are watching and stepping into the same yoke with you.

“ It was for freedom that Christ set us free: therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (law/sin).”   Galatians 5: 1

Jackie's Journey

“…and I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love surpasses knowledge…”  Ephesians 3: 18

The Silent Cry

 If you are struggling this morning in some way that you do not understand…this blog is for you…

Recently, a stranger placed a small book in my hand written by Amy Carmichael (a missionary to India 1867-1951).  Immediately, upon hearing her name, a vivid memory came knocking at the door of my heart.    

While we were in Boot Camp in Fredonia (make that "Freeze-don't ya", Wisconsin!), preparing for missionary service, I became so sick that I wasn't sure we would be able to finish the course. Yet, my husband and I knew God had brought us this far.  There was a tribe, deep in the rain forest of Panama that had never heard the name of Jesus Christ and they were waiting for someone to come and bring His Name to them.

We had been seeking medical help for over two months.  I was in my first trimester with our first child.  My physical symptoms were severe, I had lost six weeks of missionary training, beginning to lose the training I had already received, and then I was diagnosed with an unyielding case of pneumonia!  The infection was suffocating my compromised lung, and I would have to take a drug that could adversely affect my unborn child!  The choice was my recovering or the possibility of both of us not going full term!  I was confused and consumed by fear.  

Have you ever been there? Faced with impossible decisions and lost in your imaginations?

At this juncture of my journey, someone gave me a quote of Amy Carmichael that stopped me in my tracks and caused me to realize I had the concept of my Father's love and means of communication to me all wrong!   

If I cannot catch the sound of the rain long before the rain falls, and going to some hilltop of the spirit, as near to my God as I can, have not faith to wait there with my face between my knees, though six times or sixty times I am told there is nothing till at last ‘there arises a little cloud out of the sea’ then I know nothing of Calvary love!"

1 Kings 18: 41 says, “And Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go, eat and drink, for there Is the sound of heavy rain’.  So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.  “Go and look toward the sea”, he told his servant. And he went up and looked.  “There is nothing there’, he said.  Seven times Elijah said, ‘Go back!’  The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea’…The sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came…’”

I felt a little like Elijah may have felt when he was in danger for his life. Why didn’t I understand?  I should, shouldn’t I?  I was a missionary candidate (soon to be deployed!), I had spent a year at the University of Arizona, 4 years of Bible School, 2 yrs. of Boot Camp and Language School...I was completely committed to God with everything I knew, in all the light I had. But God always has much to teach me about Himself. I waited for Him at the front door of my heart and He silently entered through the back door and shattered my concept of Him and His promises!  He came with new light, new peace and new understanding of His divine nature. I re-focused, solely, on the author and finisher of my faith.

There are times when something comes into our lives which is charged with love in such a way that it seems to open the Eternal to us for a moment...it may be a small and intimate touch, as the touch of the dawn wind, or it may be the pain experienced in the storm of life along the way... But we know it is our Lord.  And then perhaps the room where we are, with its books and furniture and flowers, seem less ‘present’ than His presence, and the heart is drawn into His sweetness Can we ever cease to wonder at the love of our companion?  And then suddenly we recognize our Lord holding us in a new way?  Dimness seems to be more wholesome for us here...not understood by us.  After all, how little we see!    Confounded and abased, we continue to hold fast to the Rock and hide in the dust, before the glory of the Majesty of love--the love whose symbol is the Cross."

And the piercing question then:  What do I know of Calvary love?”

 I am praying for you, this morning, for your sensing the whisper of His Presence in that "cloud out of the sea" in a new way and for the power of His healing.  

Do You Ever Want to Escape?

I look forward to going on vacation.  Do you ever want to escape?

A vacation is an escape from the day-to-day routine where we get to explore, adventure and be alive.  Sometimes I just want to escape this reality I am living in.  In general, I love my life, but don’t you just wish you were somewhere else sometimes?

My family and I recently took a two week vacation to Hawaii thanks, in large part, to my mom.  My husband and I began to await the blessed time from the moment we booked the tickets. We entertained the idea of being together and showing the kids new places.  Every day I began to prepare for our up and coming adventure.

As we boarded the plane, all of us were overwhelmed with excitement.  A trip to Hawaii had been a dream for our kids for as long as we could remember.  When we arrived in the land filled with palm trees, warm and tropical breezes, we settled into a wonderful time.  But two weeks is a long time.

Days passed by. The excitement began to wear off and we began living life in Hawaii.  We were homeschooling, making dinner, doing laundry and dishes, and picking up the home we were living in.  Funny, these are all the same things that I do at home. 

And then my kids began to have attitude, being ungrateful and disobedient.  They argued about doing schoolwork and pestered their siblings.  Sadly, similar to the behaviors we work on at home.  My husband and I, who had been all giddy at first, sank into our regular routine and began to treat each other with familiarity.  I began to see the ugly faces of selfishness and disregard that I fight at home.

I pondered these things one morning.

I realized escaping from reality . . . from marriage . . . from children . . . from life, while blissful at first, will end up right where we were before.  The grass will look greener, but in real life we bring with us all the junk we had at home.  In Hawaii, we had just changed locations.  Sure, we went sightseeing, to the beach, surfing, and made all kinds of wonderful memories.  But the truth is that any ugliness in our hearts travels with us regardless of our location.

I might sit at home any day and just wish to be on vacation.  It is a longing for escape from what I don’t want to face; kind of like TV and movies for me.  But I will still love vacations.  God said to me one morning on the beach that I am a work in progress wherever I am.  My kids and my husband, they too, are His masterpiece that He is creating over time.  All six of us in our family are sinners.  So while I may long for a change of venue to somewhere tropical, I know that a vacation will not change our hearts and our souls and the escape will not have the effect I am hoping for.  Why do I think my kids will be better behaved driving two hours to Volcano National Park than they are here in Southern California?

I came home with a different appreciation for here and now.  Because I should never wish to be somewhere different than where God has me.  The grass is not greener, because it is a mirage.  When I get there, the grass will be the same color as mine.  The escape has all the hype without the follow through.

So for now, no matter if we are in Southern California, Hawaii, Australia, Germany . . . wherever the Lord leads us, I will remember, this is right where God has us.  All our “stuff “has made it to baggage claim with our luggage and we are to deal with it right where we are.  No fancy escape plan, just good old-fashion learning and growing, failing and forgiving, right where God has us.

1 Cor. 7:17 “And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there!”

Jackie's Journey: Life Unraveling?

             “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him" Job 13:15

Our village was tucked away near the Colombian border and we lived in the silence of the jungle and its peculiar sounds.   One late morning there was an unfamiliar roar in the distance.  A large helicopter appeared and began circling our village, dropping low, looking for a place to land.  Before we knew what was happening, dust flew and the door slid open.  Men dressed in full military uniforms with machine guns jumped out and stormed into our house. Guns drawn, pointed directly at us, they began shouting commands with accusations!

My life started unraveling before my eyes!  I quickly grabbed little Kim and Christina came running, clutching my legs. I reached down to reassure her, as Ralph stepped in front of us, whispering to me, “Remember, Jackie, this touched God’s hand first”. 

 We were being accused of being spies for the United States and they demanded we turn over our only means of communication to the outside world: our two-way radio!

I was trembling, imagining every plausible scenario of how we could be easily disposed of in the river and no one would know for months!  The truth that came surging into my consciousness was Job 13:15, “though he slay me, yet will I hope in HIM”. 

 Still standing between the enemy and us, Ralph appeared calm and was responding in Spanish with an absolute, “We are not spies from America.  We have permission from your government to bring medicine to help this isolated group of people.” 

How had this happened?  What could we do?

The next few moments stood still…their shouting gestures and my seeing no way of escape brought the verse in Job home to my heart.  I resolutely accepted His will, whatever that was going to be and instantly, peace prevailed.  What happened next was beyond belief!  To our utter astonishment, as abruptly as those militant soldiers arrived…they hastily, mid-sentence, without another word, turned and left!!  They did not ask for our passports or visas, nor did they take our rifles that were in plain view, hanging on the wall!  God had blinded their eyes and in an instant, redirected their path.

 In the aftermath of my processing through this event, Ralph gave me a definition for “tribulation” that comes to mind every time I am faced with a trial and I just want it gone…no processing…just gone!  “Tribulation is God’s fastest road to maturity”.  Well… missionary life had definitely put me in the fast lane to grow up!  The more life I live, the more I realize how much growth I need!

 This is that definition in a “mathematical” formula that changed my life and the way I look at trials, inconveniences, suffering and contentment.  It goes like this:

 Trials + Acceptance of the trial with joy and thanksgiving = Growth/Maturity

I can respond to trials by:

(1) Benefitting from them

The pressure of trials produce (Jas. 1:2-4):






Lacking Nothing!



   (2) Reacting to them and locking down emotionally with: 



Why me?



Rebelliousness or bitterness

 I choose to yield with gratefulness this morning and to recognize any form of tribulation, as a means to create a greater purpose for the benefit of others.  


                                                      What is your response? 

Posted on March 9, 2015 and filed under Motherhood, Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth.

Serving Out of Love

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12:10-11

 I do a lot for my kids.  I serve them. Because I love them.

 I love God so much more!! I want to serve Him too and I want to teach my kids that serving God is so much more than just writing a check and putting it in the offering baskets.  We serve not out of guilt or duty, but because we love.

 I want my kids to learn serving is a way of life. I am looking daily for opportunities to serve and share.  Most of the time, we serve our family, neighborhood and friends.  When we are out, we are looking for where God is working and join in.  I try and take every opportunity we have to get out there are serve a local ministry because I want to expose the kids to as much ministry as possible. This is not easy with all of the activities and schoolwork expected of my kids!  Sometimes it is hard work to get them there so they can be blessed to be a blessing.

Last week was one of those times.  We had a fieldtrip to the Children’s Hunger Fund warehouse.  We put on our hairnets and gloves and filled Food Paks that are distributed to local churches full of needed food. They are literally sent all over the world.  Most recently to Ebola-stricken Liberia. They in turn deliver them to those in need in Jesus’ name.  What a blessing it was to hear firsthand what the ministry is doing! Incredible!

Why do we make such an effort to expose our kids to serving?

1. We want them to love God!

Because He has redeemed us and set us free, there is nothing I would rather do than serve Him and be a part of His plan.  I am excited to see where God is working and jump in!  I want my kids to catch the enthusiasm my husband and I have for our Lord and Savior.  We want them to share in our love for Him and give willingly of themselves!  When they see we are excited, they get the bug too!

 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1

 2.  We want them to see God!

I believe there is no better place to experience God than where He is working.  My kids get to see miracles firsthand and see how awesome our mighty God is! There is nothing better as a parent than to see your child’s eyes open wide when they realize God is at work . . . and they are a part of it!  Whether it is here in America or overseas, God is doing amazing things every day.  Those that are part of His work are blessed to be a part. 

 Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!  Hebrew 13:11 

3.  We want the Word of God to come alive for them.

There are so many verses about serving the Lord in the Bible.  When we teach our kids these verses and then put them into action, it is powerful for our kids.  So many things they learn in these formidable years, but few of them require too much action on their part.  Serving the Lord puts feet to His Word that does not come back void.  They get to see that it glorifies Him, that it blesses them, and that joy comes from serving the Lord.

 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Gal. 5:14 

4.  We want to rescue them from themselves!

Unfortunately, in Southern California, we are surrounded by activity, entertainment and stuff.  It is everywhere, I know!  As I spend time being the mamma taxi driver, I think “shouldn’t we be saving the world?!”  Does this next dance lesson count for eternity? But more importantly, I see their hearts.  My kids get caught up in the treasures of the world and quickly can focus on themselves.  Funny, I have the same problem.  Stepping out to serve others quickly takes the focus off of them and puts it back on others.  You cannot serve two masters. Kids can easily go from self-focused to others-focused in minutes, which we are hoping will continue as they grow into adulthood.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.   Matt. 6:24

5.  We want to help them see their purpose in life!

We believe serving helps focus on God’s grand plan.  Once our kids get a vision for what God has planned for their lives, we know He will make it happen.  But that can only come from God – and not mom and dad!  Serving helps kids see that they have a gift with which to serve Christ; the more opportunities we give them to stretch, the better they might be at seeing their purpose in life.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace 1 Peter 4:10

So yes . . .getting the whole family up at 6:00 a.m. and driving up two hours to serve as a family was a stretch, but I believe that the rewards will be great.  Our memories of serving will become another picture in their lifetime of loving God.  We think the effort is worth it.

 Where can you serve with your kids? What do you have to sacrifice to make this happen?

Jackie's Journey: Arachnids...Scared, But Not Defeated!

Washday in the jungle was an event, not just a necessity!  It required a trip to the river with two little ones in tow, a washtub (like great-grandma used) full of clothes, diapers, sheets, etc., soap and a washboard.  Finding a rock that wasn’t already being used was the next challenge after descending the 12’ bank!  The swirling river was the agitator and the most difficult part of the whole exercise was wringing the clothes tight enough so they would dry after being hung.

The Kuna women would laugh at me, while their little ones entertained mine by chasing, splashing and diving around us.  Those were the “good ‘ole days”.  One blessing, and their were many, was that my girls learned to swim like little fish very early, against the current!

If it was dry season, the wash would dry in 2 hours.  During rainy season we might hang the clothes two times or more in one day.  Most garments were mildewed and never really dried completely until dry season returned!

One spring day my clothes carried an unwanted visitor inside the house. We had open wooden shelves and as I lifted the last clean sheet, I caught something moving in my peripheral vision.  Now…let me be clearly understood…I will take a snake, any size, over a spider any day!  

This particular spider was a creature of undeniable presence!  I screamed so loud that half the village came streaming through my front door.  One look at the intruder and my husband and Arturo, our closest neighbor, told us all to get out!  Apparently, this venomous arachnid was dangerous!  I could not understand their hesitation in just eliminating it.  I wanted that spider dead…I did not want him alive for an encore another day…

Earlier that month our cat had found a huge, and I mean huge, scorpion under our bed.  I picked up my husband’s size 14 army boot and squashed it’s 12” body dead, in one fell swoop, as our 8 month old daughter came crawling into the room!  Now, “hear me roar”…I’m not kidding…I REALLY wanted that spider dead

Fear is our friend…it is an emotion induced by a threat, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior.  “Courage is being scared to death…and walking through the door of fear to victory”.  (R. J., my husband)  In the book Hind’s Feet in High Places, I would clearly be little “Much Afraid”.  Shortly after being challenged to carry the name of Christ to unreached tribal people, I read in Luke 10:19 where Jesus sent out the seventy-two with the promise, “ I have given you authority to trample snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you”!  That verse immediately came pounding into my consciousness and I claimed that promise, given to those who take the gospel into uncharted territories.  As jungle living became my daily experience, I would often return to those precious words that brought peace that day.  Over and over again during those years of the unexpected, I would claim its truth when I was tempted to yield to panic.

Posted on March 2, 2015 and filed under Motherhood, Spiritual Growth, Character and Virtue.

Announcing the Princess Parables Collection!

Announcing the Exclusive Special Edition to the Princess Parables Series

The Princess Parables Collection - custom ordered by Barnes and Noble and Books-a-Million for their stores

When my youngest daughter was beginning to read, she loved to read the little I CAN READ paperbacks.  I found the more she read, the more she wanted to read.  She was beginning to get the hang of this reading adventure.  With older siblings in the house, I found that she compared herself to them.  She wanted her own “harder” chapter books to read, but she just wasn’t quite ready for that yet.  When the first Princess Parables Treasury came out with three of the books in it, my daughter felt like it was “her” chapter book.  I often found her sleeping with her beloved copy.

A couple of weeks ago, we were blessed to have Barnes and Noble and Books-a-million stores release a special edition of the I CAN READ treasury.  This hardback book includes not just three, but ALL of the Princess Parables I CAN READ level one stories.  All five of the princesses – Joy, Grace, Hope, Faith and Charity – have their own story inside.  It can only be found in stores; however, we have the exclusive book on our website store for purchase!  Don’t miss out on purchasing this fabulous new addition to the Series.  Perfect for your emerging reader!

My sweet girl would have loved to have this edition for her library years ago!

You have to understand that when God gave us the idea for the Princess Parables, we knew that He had great plans for these five sisters.  But we did not know the scope of their world or the blessing they would become to many.  He has gone before us and has gone beyond our expectations (Eph. 3:20).  We are forever grateful that He asked us to be apart of this journey!

As the authors, we want to thank Barnes and Noble and Books-a-Million for thinking our books are worthy of a custom edition.  We feel special!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  We hope your girls love them!

Jackie's Journey: Inspiring Imprints

As a young missionary mother reading to these two little ones sitting next to me in a hammock in the middle of the Panamanian jungle, my heart yearned for books that would introduce my girls to bible-based, character-emphasized prince and princesses that they could aspire to become.  I would take every book I picked up and purpose to impose these two principles into the pages in terms they could understand that had eternal values targeted.  My two daughters, Christina and Kim, are now grown and have given me seven grandchildren!  Christina encouraged me for years to sit down and put on paper what I did to the stories I read in those early years.  Her cry for these books for her four little ones was my primary motivation.

The opportunities are unlimited when it comes to God building His character in us, and then, into those we love.  Understanding the need and exercising the steps of action needed to see them implemented is our challenge.  When you look at your children where do you see their primary need?  Taking into consideration their temperament, maybe the need for them to be more alert or to respond more quickly in obedience?  Maybe rebellion is the issue or selfishness?  Where would you begin to help the little prince or princess in your home? 

 Values are based on the changing opinions of what people or groups of people practice in their principles or ideals.  Character is based on universal standards that are time-tested and recognized as being ethically correct.  Character is written on every person’s heart and conscience (Romans 2:15).  Even though the basic truth of a character quality is understood, it is important to know how to apply the truth in daily circumstances. 

I have collected positive character quality definitions for years because they describe pieces of the Godhead and assist in my personal spiritual exercise and transformation.  They equipped me to pragmatically instruct my girls as we walked through daily activities living in a culture very different than our own. In the village where we lived, the Kuna practice of polygamy and early marriages combined with witchcraft, including a village witchdoctor, opened up interesting teaching opportunities.

This past week the oldest of these two little princesses in the hammock saw her two daughters, my granddaughters (now 16 and 14), accomplish an extraordinary act of compassion in just a few days. I was asked to wrap a collection of gifts, gift cards and get-well cards with money that they had gathered to give to Alexandra’s teacher at school.  Her heart had been challenged to encourage this young single woman, who had recently left her parents and siblings on the East Coast to answer a call to serve in our community here on the West Coast.  She had taken a daily six-hour cancer treatment three months earlier and had quietly gone alone for the last six weeks, not wanting to burden or inconvenience anyone else.  During her follow-up appointment, the doctors found the cancer had returned…aggressively!   Alexandra tearfully shared with her sister, Catherine, the sadness she felt.  Catherine, who is the school’s “Kindness Club” director, immediately joined hearts and hands with her sister, their mother (Christina), and many who heard of the need. Within just a few days they had gathered a huge basket…full of encouragement for this teacher!  

Generations of Virtue






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We respond to life according to our character, good or bad.  Our wrong responses indicate our need.  Our correct responses validate our victories.  For me, this was a victory of gigantic proportion.  Three generations clasping hands to compassionately encourage a hurting heart! Princess Charity in our Princess Parable Series was faced with the same choice my granddaughter’s faced.  Webster’s definition of Compassion is  “together + suffering; deep sympathy, pity”.  1 John 3:17 says, “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?”  Compassion is doing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts and meet the need of another.  Christ is the greatest teacher that ever lived and our example. His compassion for us carried Him to the cross!  Living outside our own self-life, being alert to another’s pain and choosing not to walk by without lifting a hand is our “Call to Action” this glorious Monday. 

These are the same two princesses pictured in the hammock …today!

These are the same two princesses pictured in the hammock …today!