Posts filed under womanhood

Jackie's Journey "Still Content?"

We are adjusting to a new way of life here in the good ‘ole USA and our expectations are on overdrive as we face all the unknowns.  It is reminiscent of days of preparation, instruction, and the eventual beginning of our lives on the Colombian border, tucked into the dense rainforest of the Darien Gap in Panama.  Visiting empty market shelves and being asked to stay homebound are new American adventures.  Will I have enough of what I think I need to endure the next few weeks and possibly months?  

 We would buy for 3-6 months at a time in Panama because we only came out of the jungle that often.  I was not accustomed to planning meals months in advance, but I LEARNED!  I learned very early what it took when I did not have enough oil, flour, rice, beans or…??  Meat was scarce, if at all…it was seasonal.  We lived on a river and we had fish…good fish!  

 It was a daily exercise of mine to learn to be and remain content…realizing that God had already provided everything I needed for my present and future happiness!  Contentment required my distinguishing between my needs and my wants!  I look back and again realize there are few things in life that are really necessary.  In fact, God identified just two:  food and clothing!  I owned two Kuna dresses (I wore one and washed one) and one pair of flip-flops! Could I be content with the basics of food and clothing? 


In the jungle there were lots of little mice.  Those little varmints were content to live anywhere!  A boot, under my porch, in my cupboards…They made themselves comfortable with whatever was available!  Could I learn to do the same?  Mud-packed floors, bark walls, tin roof, no electricity or running water, creepy crawlies everywhere, an outhouse, chiggers, mosquitos, vampire bats, monkeys on the porch, a river for a washing machine and a clothes line (instead of a dryer)…

 “If I am not satisfied with what I have, I will never be satisfied with what I want.”

Ralph Guthrie

 The more I released earthly possessions, the more I could grasp eternal treasures.  Martin Luther said, “Next to faith, this is the highest art; to be content in the calling in which God has placed you.”  Contentment comes as we realize that God is all we really need and He will never leave us.  We are told “to be content with what we have; for He has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, I am to be content”. Phil. 3:10

 Do you believe God has given you all you need?


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on March 30, 2020 and filed under womanhood, Spiritual Growth, Character and Virtue.

Jackie's Journey "Let's Learn from the Wildebeest!"



Once born, a wildebeest calf has 15 minutes to stand and run with the adult herd, or it will be killed by predators (usually, hyenas).  The wildebeest mother will take on a pack of hyenas and sacrificially, single-handedly fight…until death…to preserve the life of her calf. (Bill Gothard, Character Sketches)   There are countless “hyenas” that will be used to devour the life of these God is entrusting into our care.               

                                   What is our commitment!??

 Being intentional is our only option!

 “Life is a stewardship; not an ownership; A TRUST; NOT A GIFT. With a gift you may do as you please; but with a trust you must give an account (Ephesians 2:10).  

God holds us responsible.

We will answer to HIM

                                                    and…time is short!!  

 The journey of life brings trials, triumphs, tragedy and achievement.  Through all of this, a dedicated mother’s love remains constant. .  Would you consider yourself to be a dedicated mom: a mom that is committed to the success of your child first, above yourself? I know we are fraught with the demanding activities and a deluge of social media that keeps us exhausted from one day to the next; but are we, through it all, rejoicing mom’s that keep the ultimate goal in view?  

 By the way, what is your “ultimate goal”?

Do your children view the goal and actively participate,

involved in “giving” of themselves or are they already “me first”,

“takers”, full of entitlement?

  Let me encourage you with all that you are in Christ and to give you the promise He left with all of us that bear the title MOTHER:  1 Thes.5: 24 says, “Faithful is He who calls you, who will also do it.”  However, it is a conditional promise…we have to let HIM!  On that day of accountability there will be NO excuses!    This is our call to action… 


Where do we start?

 When I think “steps of action” I think work, HARD WORK!  In that same thought comes the comfort of new direction and hope for a positive change.  In the introduction of our Princess Parable Blog site we looked back at 2014 only to find 2015 “approaching with stomping feet demanding Action” …Steps of ACTION

 Are you ready, Mom’s?

 Here is a test of our dedication and commitment…

 (1) Do we “Walk Our Talk?!”  Or do we make excuses for our wrong responses!  Do we call impatience what it really is…ANGER? And how about overuse of social media…CHILD NEGLECT?  Or MISSED OPPORTUNITY?!  There are no “socially acceptable sins” … Rudeness is self-first; Discouragement (or “I deserve better”) is Entitlement (the very attitude we battle in our children!)  Purpose to pursue holiness; moment-by-moment… Mothers of conviction, not compromise!

 (2) Are we open to Teachable Moments? Please note: Most interruptions are the teachable moments!  Purpose to take advantage of the moments we are least wanting to take advantage of!

 (3) Are we Intentional and Consistent?  All decisions we make carry a consequence…positive or negative.  Purpose to teach your child this truth and in doing so, enable him/her to learn to hear the voice of God.  Dial your life into the kingdom of God…Have HIS purpose wrapped in HIS WILL, not your own!

 (4) Are we Character-focused? Note the attitude in which the words or eyes are speaking to you…read your child’s spirit and you will identify the REAL NEED!

 (5) Are we Grateful…regardless of the circumstance?  Gratefulness wards off discouragement.

 (6) Are we Diligently Prayerful?…Lamentations 2:19 “Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.  Lift up your hands to HIM for the life of your child”!

 The definition of the word “purpose” means “resolute, unwavering, deliberate” 

Commitment requires sacrifice.

 Whether a bush nurse, a missionary mom, a city mom or whatever our title may be…each of us is called to be a godly mother with a profound and sacrificial love for our children.  The calling is to “count the cost” and to love with the purpose of making these entrusted to us more successful than we could ever be for HIS glory!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on March 23, 2020 and filed under motherhood, spiritual growth, womanhood.

Jackie's Journey "Hey, Mom...What Marks a True Princess?"


A Biblical worldview should influence all areas of life.  Articulating that worldview within our sphere of influence is what the Princess Parables are all about!  While surface problems (hate, murder, anger, addiction) attract media attention, they merely reflect and are symptomatic of the deeper need we have as people…the need for godly character!  

 Character determines our actions.  Character determines our responses, regardless of the circumstances presented to us in life.   It defines us and tells others who we really are!  Character is written on the heart of every person.  It is universal and transcends culture, race, age, social status, religion, gender and nationality.  

 Godly character marks the life of a true princess!!  For years Princesses Joy, Grace, Hope, Faith and Charity have been a large part of my life and I have grown to love each of them, as distinct and separate personalities, with unique engiftments and an adventurous story to tell.  They form a cohesive body of work that speaks to the need for early development of godly character in our little prince and princesses in a pragmatic way, that they can relate to, with Biblical terms attached. 

 I recently read, “A dear old Quaker lady, distinguished for her youthful look, was asked what she used to preserve her appearance.  She replied sweetly, “I use for the lips, truth; for the voice, prayer; for the eyes, pity; for the hand, charity; for the figure, uprightness; and for the heart, love” (Jerry Fleishman).  

 The Princesses are designed to inspire godly thoughts and actions.  The key to this wise “Quaker lady’s” answer and the challenge to us is to maneuver victoriously through this new day and its many opportunities… each revealing our TRUE character through our moment-by-moment responses!  

 Who am I really?

My daily response to life situations brings to light the REAL me!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on March 16, 2020 and filed under motherhood, womanhood.

Jackie's Journey "The Empowerment Issue!"


Each year I read the Bible through.  I read a Proverb of the day…there are 31 Proverbs…so in a month I have completed reading the book of instruction in Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment, Discretion, Understanding, Righteousness, Justice, and Equity.  The purpose would be that understanding comes from increased learning which allows me to acquire Biblical wise counsel in knowing how to live as a godly mother with the power of influence. Proverbs 1:1-7  

 Because we are mom’s, we have the biggest responsibility and privilege of schooling and equipping our children in how to maneuver through life and one day teach their own children.  Worldly wisdom will bring their destruction.  Biblical wisdom will bring the fear of the Lord and the beginning of knowledge that will guarantee protection and success in life.  Proverbs is a textbook for truth regarding a person’s relationship to God, Oneself and Other’s.  It supersedes personality type and is designed to teach us to contemplate the fear of God and what it is to live by His wisdom.

 When the Author and Creator of All that is…gives me a manual or workbook, you can bet I’m in…and I’m on it!  My course was set many years ago and the simple comparisons between common, concrete images and life’s most profound truths has challenged me to look at life through another-worldly lense.  “Proverbs are simple, moral statements (or illustrations) that highlight and teach fundamental realities about life.” (John MacArthur)

 As chaotic and divisive as our world is at this moment, there is still a book that is packed with help, instruction and teaching! The author, Solomon, gives insight into the tricky issues of life facing us today. I love this book because it clearly addresses the importance of imparting a pattern of undeniable absolute truth from generation to generation.  That speaks to this Mom!  

 What will I leave behind?

Did I do a good job with what was entrusted to me?

 My heritage (children and grandchildren) is “my truth”, to coin the popular phrase today…

How did I use “my empowerment” for the success of my heritage, to coin another popular phrase…?

 In the end it will ONLY be:

 Did I seek and find HIS TRUTH?

and was I EMPOWERED by HIS Spirit??

 My Heritage


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey ""Don't Cross Me...I have my Rights!!"


Would you consider yourself an angry person??  

 1. Does your family (or whomever you live with) ever see you lose your temper?

 2.     Are you able to quickly admit when you are wrong?

 3.     Do you complain about how others treat you (when you’re slighted or get 

your feelings hurt)?

 4.     Do you grumble when things don’t work out the way you planned?

 5.     Do you demand prompt attention from family members, friends, teachers, employers, etc.? (Do you feel hurt when others get more attention than you do!)

 All five questions reveal patterns of anger that are not uncommon to all of us!

 The best functional definition I have ever found for anger is: 

 “Someone finding a right that I have not yet yielded to God.” 

  Someone crossing my already decided will!


As a young tribal missionary wife and mother, I felt I had a right to be understood.  Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?  I was living with so many unknowns. Knowing my husband understood how hard I was attempting the impossible was important to me. It seemed like a legitimate right…don’t you think?  It was imperative to have someone to talk to in my heart language (English).  Poor Ralph…he was it!  He is not a detail guy and I speak in paragraphs!  My anger would reveal itself in various forms demanding his attention. 

 “A Right”…

is a legal demand of our will that we impose on each other–

something, someone, or some attitude apart from God’s will.


It has its own authority with no power


It produces anger or hurt feelings


It assumes God and everybody owes us something


It refuses humility (the key to the Christian life!)


What rights do you claim?   


My anger popped up in the jungle more often than I care to admit.  I had an unprincipled habit of making excuses or blaming others for:

 Ø  My Pride – reserving the right to make the final decision 

Ø  My Insecurity – structuring my life around temporal values

Ø  My Reputation- projecting the image I wanted others to have of me

Ø  My Expectations

 While living in the jungle I jotted down a “few” of my rights in my journal!

·      To a normal standard of living

·      To ordinary standards of good health

·      To privacy

·      To hold others to their responsibilities

·      To be angry

·      To make the final decision on a matter

·      To judge others

·      To do it my way 

·      To be understood (self-justification)

·      To be envious or jealous

·      To be uninterrupted

 Do you identify with one or any of these as a daily occurrence?

 By making excuses for my anger rather than tracing my “anger” to a violation of one of my personal rights, I failed to live in victory.  

 By calling the “right” by its name and repenting, I found freedom in a consistent Christian walk…No more excuses.  I exchanged them for gratefulness and found peace!   

 What is the hardest right to give up?

Answer: The right to make the ultimate decision!

 I continue to learn to stop before yielding to my demand for my way and put my will in neutral, acknowledging His control and His will (not mine or my husband’s).  It brings harmony into my life in the midst of unknowns and confusion.  My demanding to be understood has become my friend and my signal to yield to Gods Will by giving my “demand” to HIM and giving thanks instead! 

 In the New Testament Christ gave up:

His Rights- “did not consider equality with God”

                                   His Reputation – “Made himself nothing, becoming a servant”

                                          His Ego – “Humbled himself”

                             His Will - “Obedient unto death”!

“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross.” Philippians 2: 6-8

 How can we do less?

 An independent, willful and demanding spirit will keep us from living in victory.  Let’s choose to agree with God, call anger the sin that it is and walk as He walked, honoring the cross and remembering the price He paid for our Victory over sin!  No more excuses…


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "HURRY...Draw the Battle Lines!!"


“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.”

II Cor. 10:3

 Is Someone Attempting to Destroy your Life?

 The answer is a resounding YES… Every moment of every day!  The enemy is lapping at our heels…we are at war.  Elisabeth Elliot wrote, “How can God remold my mind from within unless I continually test what I read and hear from the world by the ‘straight edge of Scripture?’”  Moms, we are inundated with time consuming activities of every kind that are compounded by social media platforms: Face booking, tweeting, texting, Instagraming, blogging, etc.  

 Where is the voice that speaks transforming truth?


  “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven”.  Ps. 119:89

 “The Word of God is living, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword”! Hebrews 4:12

  How many days did you get in the Word this week?

 The Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah wrote in Chapter 6, “This is what the Lord Almighty says…to whom can I speak and give warning?  Who will listen to me?  Their ears are closed so they cannot hear.  The Word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it…” 

 When you read His words what do you hear?

What are you looking for? (His power? His life in you? A change in your bad habits?  A better attitude…A good story time?  A verse to meet someone else’s need?  A class assignment?)   What…??

 Listening to His voice and allowing His words to “dwell richly” in us brings life and blessing. Neglecting His Word brings spiritual devastation and destruction.  The Bible is the heart and mind of God…the transformer… renewing my mind. Rom.12:2 It is the roadmap to life!  Please Lord, “open our eyes so that we can see” the road, since Your thoughts are not our thoughts and Your ways are not our ways.” Isa.55: 8   

My granddaughter, Alexandra, a student at Biola University forwarded her grandpa’s message to me.

My granddaughter, Alexandra, a student at Biola University forwarded her grandpa’s message to me.

 Are we aggressively using the God-given tool to battle the enemy??

 Let’s explore His Word by purposing to read for a “BUMP” …a verse that jumps off the page!  It might be for someone else, but it is ours first!  It is the transforming voice of God speaking to us in an area that blinds us to what is hindering the goal of His transforming life in us, which is the key to victory over our nemesis. 

 Here are 5 questions I ask myself regarding that “bump” verse:

1.     Is there sin for me to AVOID?

2.     Is there a PROMISE for me to trust?

3.     Is there an EXAMPLE for me to follow?

4.     Is there a COMMAND for me to obey?

5.     How can this passage increase my knowledge of the Lord God (not just about Him)?


 “Many false prophets (with false philosophies) will appear and deceive many.”

Matthew 24:11

 Beware of these 5 strong voices in our 2020 culture:

 1.     Evolution:  How creation came into existence and developed

2.     Egalitarianism:  Re-Defining the role of man and woman

3.     Economics:  Contentment = Having

4.     Experience: Instant Gratification = I want, what I want…NOW! I am entitled to it!!

5.     Ego:  It’s All about Me!

 These voices are universal and give us a checklist to reveal our true convictions and the confirmation or absence of His Word in our lives. They help define strongholds that have been yielded to the destroyer. 

 “The thief (Satan) comes only to steal (our joy, youth, peace, seeds of truth, etc.) and kill (relationships) and destroy(us!); I (Christ) have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”. John 10: 10

 Revival is the power of the Holy Spirit transforming God’s Word into our soul!

 Let’s pick up the Word of God this week and 

devastate the devil’s attempts to destroy us!!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "The 33 Club"


Years ago, my father would take the four of us to Disneyland and around noon time we would find ourselves standing in the New Orleans sector at a private door with a gold -plated small emblem, emblazoned with “The 33 Club” Crest.  The marker was nearly hidden completely.  The New Orleans street was bustling with noise and activity.  The door would open and stepping over the threshold, there was an instant premonition that silence was compulsory!  I had forgotten all about this until our pastor mentioned this exclusive club in his sermon on Sunday morning.  In those early days I had no idea that this was a personal and private restaurant for Walt Disney and his friends. 

Welcome to The 33 Club…

Welcome to The 33 Club

My initial recollection is that my mother was exceedingly over-joyed for the opportunity to teach the four of us…all girls… how to manage 5 forks, 3 spoons and multiple plates of varying sizes, two or more goblets and numerous knives…slight exaggeration!  We always had a sense that we were, in that moment, very special.  Looking back, Dad was very brave to have included us in these adventures! 

 Once the kind, princely dressed man allowed us entrance, we were escorted into a secluded elevator…unlike any I had ever seen.  It was dazzling…and lifted us a flight above the park and its noise and activity.  When the elevator door opened, we were ushered into a plush foyer with crystal chandeliers, massive floral arrangements and velvet curtains stretching two stories into the air!  The private dining room was elegant with white table-cloths, sparkling silver everywhere, more fresh flowers on each table and soft music wafting in the air. The fireplace was glowing and the silence was deafening!  The whole place screamed slow down, relax and just revel in the exclusivity!


 Men in tuxedos were careful to greet us and pull out beautifully upholstered, over-sized chairs to see us comfortably seated and by then, thoroughly delighted!   In an instant they had placed our napkin on our lap and with a smile had handed us the menu.  Upon first glance, we could see that a hot dog and fries had been omitted, but they would “love to accommodate each guest and would surely bring us a hot dog, if we so desired”!  Seriously, my mother had to be in paradise!  Four excited girls, that couldn’t wait to get back on the rides…and here we were…experiencing a reprieve, to let Dad and Mother rest a minute. 

 At the University of Arizona, I became a member of another elite “club” of girls called Kappa Alpha Thetas.  I loved this club and its accountability and camaraderie.  But the best was yet to come when I was nineteen, I became a member of an even more select and exclusive club than any of these.  “It’s a 2,000-year-old club and God calls it His body…the church”. (Pastor Mike)  As impressed as I was with Club 33, it pales in comparison to what is mine and what is waiting for me one day.  His body is comprised of us…those of us who follow Him.

 Fellowship and service are the reward of being a part of this club.  God’s peace and leadership bind us here and give us a taste of what is to come. His love compels us to reach for those who are not yet members of this exclusive society and His love draws us closer to the cross and the repentance that unlocks the door to this eternal fellowship. 

 If you have not, would you consider

the need to be a member of this

private and privileged club?


If you have joined, would you consider 

reaching out for those who have not yet heard 

and compelling them to join?


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on January 27, 2020 and filed under motherhood, womanhood.

Jackie's Journey "Mom's Understand Sacrifice!"

Christina, my eldest daughter and my beautiful Mom

Christina, my eldest daughter and my beautiful Mom


 “Love is not a passion.  It is the pulse of sacrifice”.

 For seventy-six years you have taught me about genuine love and Motherhood. January 2nd, you turned 101!!   I have watched you and still watch you, as you maneuver life.  You are strong and courageous, especially in these latter years without Daddy.  You face life with grace each day with acceptance of God’s Hand and timing.  You have no fear of old age which is the assumption that we still have many years of life ahead of us. “The length of our days is seventy years or eighty, IF we have the strength; yet this span is but trouble and sorrow and passes quickly and then we fly away!” (Psalm 90:10) 

 You have learned to be “satisfied in the morning with His unfailing love”.  You may not sing for joy out loud but you are glad for every day.  And you still look forward to any, or all of us coming and visiting with you.  You are a good listener and I can remember my high school friends coming home with me to talk to you, not me!  

 You are wise… precious 101-year-old Mama.  You have taught me, by example, to number my days, to be deliberate with my heritage, to think generations and to see how short and quickly life passes.  I am paying attention.  So, you see…your job is well done… but not finished yet…

 Thank you for leading the way, leaving a print for me to step into 

and showing me the pulse of sacrificial love…

I love you…


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Christmas Eve is tomorrow!!"

Blog 93 Twas the Week...-2.jpg

 Well, here we are again…one day before Christmas Eve…in the throngs of chaos and deadlines!  The Nativity is center stage in every room, trees are dressed, the wreaths are hung, gifts are wrapped, the oven has not been turned off in days and music fills the house.  Friends and family are arriving from distant places, guest rooms have been readied and excitement is already in the air.  Expectations are high and time left is short and slipping precipitously by the nanoseconds.   The countdown has begun!  The blessing of fellowshipping with family and people we don’t have an opportunity to see all year makes it worth it all.

 With the hustle and bustle of the holidays in full swing, we become acutely aware of our limitations.  Opening our home and believing God to use us to make others successful is the goal of hospitality.  It has been our joy over the years to have a home that is available to those God would bring our way.  Christmas is a lonely time for many who have not experienced the joy of His Coming.  

 As moms, this time of year offers a multitude of opportunities to make ourselves accessible to others.   It starts in our homes with our husband and children.  The Christmas time of year brings the perfect training ground to introduce our children to the “real reason for the season”.  We, as parents, have the example of the One who left his home and dwelt among us.  He set the standard…

  “Each of you should look not only to your own interests,

but also to the interests of others.

Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ:

Who being in the very nature of God,

did not consider equality with God to be something to be grasped,

But made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death

Even death on the cross”!

Philippians 2: 4-8

 An open home means a heart that is wrapped in the needs of others before our own.  It is that life in opposition to comfort and convenience.  It is welcoming and finding joy in a life of servitude, humbly listening to His voice and instantly obeying.  It brings with it the blessing of experiencing His promise of grace with its power and the continual fascination of watching Him faithfully do it!  Philippians 2:13 and I Thessalonians 5: 24

 The dictionary defines hospitality as the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of visitors or strangers providing food, drinks, etc. for people who are guests.  We are commanded in Scripture to be hospital women. To invite people into our homes is to respond with gratitude to our God who made a home for us!

 “Be hospitable to one another without complaint”.  I Peter 4: 9

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, 

for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it”!  Hebrews 13: 2

 At our front door, we have the words “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”  As a mom with young children it was a challenge to keep it all in balance when the house was already full of noise, continual movement and the regular activities that keep the ship afloat!  The joy of youth is that there actually is enough energy to do it all, if the attitude is that of a grateful, obedient and humble servant! 

 From our house to yours,


 Have a Blessed Christmas!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "A Christmas Pledge!"


Inspired by the September 11th attack on the United States, the Groenewalds moved to Afghanistan in response to God’s call to serve the people who had purposely killed thousands of our own! They lived and served and were martyred by Taliban fighters, as their obedience to God’s call was greater than their fears.   The only surviving member tells the story and it profoundly touched my heart.  The testimony of that horrific day of murder with AK-47’s and the self-sacrificing bomber who obliterated their home is a wake-up call to my commitment to His directing and leading in my life.

 “Some give Him a place; some give Him Prominence:

but what Christ wants in our lives is pre-eminence.”


In my spiritual journey, I was a “nominal Christian”, a fan of all things spiritual for the first 18 years of my life.  I was the proverbial good girl with this huge longing hole in my life that I had no idea how to fill.  How would I find meaning and purpose in a world that was full of others in the same state I was?  

Who had an answer?

 While reading the testimony of a mother who had lost her husband and two teen-age children, I was again struck with the mandate that “counting the cost” is an imperative, not an option, regardless of our geographical location.   When the three New Tribe missionaries, from our village in Pucuro, were captured and killed by FARC, a militant group from Colombia, I was reminded of a time in our missionary training when we were challenged to “count the ultimate cost”, as a possibility of our decision to be followers of Christ and not just enthusiastic fans! 

“Commitment is that turning point in your life when you seize the moment and convert it into an opportunity to alter your destiny” Luke 9: 23

 Being a follower means there will be a price to pay.  Salvation is free but it cost you your life!  “If Jesus Christ died and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”  C.T. Studd

 “For me, on the field, it was a life of sacrifice, difficulty and struggles, and in that the Lord gave us the reward of His presence,” Hannelie said. “He revealed Himself to us, who He is.” (Hannelie Groenewald)

 The reward of His presence, ears to hear His voice and a sense of who He is, is my truth also.  A total dependence on an all-knowing God whose plans for me are to prosper me, not harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.  Jer. 29: 11   When God walked into my life at age 19, I found the reason for my existence!  There was no more longing; there was completeness with purpose and destiny.  

 As a busy mom, is your life filled with Him, His thoughts and His ways?  Do your little ones see the Christ that lives in you?  Are you struggling to integrate Christ into your demanding life or is He the master of your course…leading, directing?

 “There are two kinds of people: 

Those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ 

And those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way!’” 

 C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

Which are you?


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.