Posts filed under Character and Virtue

Jackie's Journey "The Hidden Letter"


Do you know what it means to be transparent?  “Transparency is so lacking today.  You and I feel we can’t be honest.  We have to protect ourselves, especially to hide any flaws we have.  We feel we have to put on our marks to say ‘Everything’s OK and I’ve got it all together and I’m doing just great.’  But people aren’t doing just great.  They aren’t OK and they don’t have it all together.

We hide.   We fear we’ll become targets…marginalized, criticized, victimized.”                           Ruth Graham,

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.                                                                       Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom                                          we must give an account.” Hebrews 4:13

We can hide from each other but we cannot hide from God.  Transparency is being honest before God and therefore honest with each other.  Then and only then can we grow together with God in righteousness.  Double-minded people attempt to live two lives…one projecting the image they want you to see and the other…the real you!   

Ask yourself…who am I… really?

1.     Does your family ever see you lose your temper?

2.     Do you complain about how others treat you?

3.     Do you demand prompt attention from family members, friends, teachers, and employers?

4.     Do you grumble when things do not work out the way you planned?

5.     Do you feel slighted when others get more attention than you do?

6.     Are you able to readily and quickly admit when you are wrong?

We can know our true identity when we “do not merely listen to the word and so deceive ourselves.  What good is it, if a man (woman) claims to have faith but has no deeds.  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.”  (Jas. 1-2)

Walking our talk defines us as women of faith with a true single-minded image.  We are to “speak and act according as those who are going to be judged” (Jas. 2:12) and held responsible for a life well-lived with the blessing of being transparent or a life-wasted, living fearfully in the shadows.

The very thing that brings us to Him is the very thing that we fight the most!

Ø  Transparency/humility

Ø  Inconvenience

Ø  Trials/pain/suffering

Ø  Sacrifice/counting the cost

Ø  Denial of self

Ø  Total dependence on God

Ø  Forsaking all

Some of us have seen these truths in the Word for years, but somehow concluded that they were not for us, they were concepts to unpopular to consider or they were too complicated for the age we live in.  This call to be transparent had to be for someone else!  So we surrender to the chill of our spiritual environment!

True Christianity is an all out commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.                                                A total “walk your talk” life practice.

 Acknowledging our human fallibility is our qualification to relinquish our failure and receive His empowerment to live without the fear that we will become targets…marginalized, criticized, victimized.

 We are known by our fruit…

 “…You are a letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody…”! II Cor. 3: 2-3

 Do you think you can hide?

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~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Accidents Happen!"


Are you aware of the dangers around you?  Can you spot spiritual danger when it lurks in your life?  The amount of information we collect about any given circumstance or thing is dependent on our alertness.  Being aware of what is going on around us is a phenomenal task with the multitude of distractions we are continually confronted with.

We are living in an age where we live “tuned out” much of the time and “tuned into” a screen or earphones…

We are living in an age where we live “tuned out” much of the time and “tuned into” a screen or earphones…

“Be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,

walks about, seeking whom he may devour”.  I Pet. 5: 8

What happens if we fail to maintain vigilance or if our children are not alert to our instructions?  Pro. 1: 8   Have you listened to the news lately?  It is inconceivable the dangers we face from within and without!  Why…if we are not careful… we could become paranoid…

Take a look at this picture…

                                                             Now... close your eyes.

                                                             Now... close your eyes.

What did you see?  What kind of animal is pictured?  How many colors did you see?  What color is predominating?  What color is the birds beak?

Which direction is the parrot looking?  Was there a written text on the page?  What was the background color of the picture?  Green…Blue…?

How many did you get right?

How many of us would notice more IF

money had been offered for correct answers?

Concentrating on details that would otherwise be unobserved and taking note of them takes dedicated concentration!  Keeping attentive takes remarkable effort!!  We need to be aware of the events going on around us (and our children) so that the dangers they are facing, alert us to their need and we can correctly respond.

Recently, two cars were racing in front of me on our busy California freeway.  They were both enraged, cutting in and out of traffic, racing dangerously, dodging one another, until one car hazardously cut in front of the other car…loosing control…

Needless to say, every car on the road went into heart pounding…“instant ALERT mode”! Pryor to this encounter, I was enjoying the ride, happily singing along with the car radio…oblivious to the world around me.   I had let my guard down. I was not foreseeing possible dangers or the consequences that come from “sleeping at the wheel”.  This is not to say a little music is bad, but maintaining my focus is imperative.

Learning to pay attention to the lessons God is using to teach us through the things we can see and trusting in that same God, who sees the things going on around us, (that we cannot see) is key to our being vigilant.  Learning to foresee dangers and fully understand the consequences of our words, actions, attitudes and thoughts is a daily exercise that should continually demand our attention.

How are you doing at conquering distractions?

Be vigilant.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on September 11, 2017 and filed under Motherhood, Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth.

Jackie's Journey "Gripped by Fear!"

Since I mentioned in my last blog that there was “little time to fear”, I thought I should elaborate a bit…because that is not entirely true!  There is always time to choose between trust and fear!  Leaving for a foreign country is an unknown but leaving to live in the bush,  “completely off the grid” is another story!


In preparation for this missionary trek I found that “normal rights” that had become completely acceptable in my present environment were, in my new environment, challenging.  It started in Boot Camp.  Being newly married and living in a dorm and having a men’s and woman’s bathroom at the end of the hall was challenging, but that didn’t bother me.  Classes all morning and work detail in the afternoon, didn’t bother me.  The task of learning to live “almost off the grid” was demanding, but that didn’t bother me.  What did bother me was... I was pretty sure... what would be “coming down the shoot” in the next few months…!

The winters in Wisconsin are freezing cold.  While with our families over the holidays, I found out we were going to have our first baby, Christina.  Sometime after Christmas I started running a low-grade fever.  After a week or so I developed a cough.   I was young and physically strong so I kept our regular schedule.   Weeks went by and my symptoms became increasingly worse.  The fever spiked one night and I woke up laboring to breathe.  The prognosis…a serious case of pneumonia! 

Now… I did not plan on getting so sick.  I began to think about living in an inaccessible dense jungle and not having good doctors nearby.   What if the little one I was carrying needed emergency care?  What would I do?  We would be isolated... three days interior! 

Don’t we have a right to normal health and health care?

After taking the first series of anti-biotics, I was still running a fever and struggling to breathe.  I was started on another two-week regimen when the doctor commented,  “this prescription is much stronger and more invasive… it’s you or the baby…you have no choice…take it.”  Fear gripped me!  Could God protect my tiny baby?  I prayed for peace and protection for our unborn child. 

“Power and might are in your Hand, Oh God,

no one (or thing) can withstand you…IF

calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment

or plague or famine,

WE WILL stand in your presence and

WE WILL cry out to you in our distress and

YOU WILL hear us and save us.       

We have no power to face this

                                                          We do not know what to do

                                                          BUT our eyes are on YOU.”

II Chron. 20: 5-9; 12b

God-confidence is the gift He gives when we empty ourselves of “there must be something I can do!” and yield our will to God’s power!  Still learning, I am currently facing one of those moments when my will becomes subject to His. 

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged…there is a greater power with us… The battle is only the arm of the flesh, BUT with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.  Our confidence is in God.”    II Chron. 32: 7 -8

Are you ever gripped by fear?

“Whenever life’s burdens oppress you

And trials are too much to face

Remember God’s strength in your weakness;

He’ll give you HIS power and grace.”…Sper

Leaving the hospital with 1 day old Christina in Lebanon, Missouri…she arrived six months later...healthy and beautiful!

Leaving the hospital with 1 day old Christina in Lebanon, Missouri…she arrived six months later...healthy and beautiful!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on September 4, 2017 and filed under Motherhood, Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth.

Jackie's Journey "Can We Survive without a Canoe?"

When I think about God’s faithfulness in what I can see, I am astounded at the thought of all I can’t see that is His work going on around me. Psa. 44:22   From the University, our marriage and call to missions, and Boot Camp Training…all were in preparation for the job He was readying us to do in the jungles!  An expectation is me, presuming on God with my engaged will (that I have not yet yielded to Him!).  That sense of entitlement can become a “ditch of despair” and reveals discontentment and a personal right that is being claimed.  It often exposes itself in anger.

Of course, all of this learning to give my expectations to God; to catch His vision and to harmonize with His plan was pre-field training for our time in the jungles of Panama.  And I had much to learn! On the practical side, we learned to plant and harvest, raise and slaughter animals, can what we raised and rustically prepare food, etc.  On the spiritual side, “seasoned” missionaries wisely taught us from the Word early each morning until noon.

Fall came and went.  After the long, hard freezing winter, spring came and summer brought six weeks of Survival Training in the thick woods of northern Wisconsin, where it rained three out of five days for the whole six weeks! The mosquitoes and spiders were larger and more aggressive than anything we ever encountered in Panama!

Part of the survival training was to become proficient in a canoe over some of the most dangerous rapids we had ever seen!  It had rained for twelve days and was still raining when we pushed our canoe into the hurtling current.  Macon and Katy Hare were just ahead of us.  Macon was a seasoned MK (missionary kid) and it seemed like a good idea that the city-slickers (us) would learn from the master.   As we were rapidly swept down the fast moving river, our canoe got too close to the shoreline and I screamed, “We’re going to swamp!!!”  Ralph instantly yelled back, “DUCK!”.  We looked up from the bottom of the canoe, only just gliding under a fallen tree!  Not seconds after that we see Macon successfully make it through the approaching gap between two mammoth rocks and drop down ahead of us.  As aggressively as we tried to steer clear of those rocks…they got us and we totally swamped.

When I surfaced, I could hear Macon yelling, "Get the canoe!  Get the canoe!"  I, frankly, did not care about the canoe...I wanted to get to shore!  Where was Ralph?  Searching the fast moving water, I saw him surface...and...oh, yes, there he was...he got the canoe!  No matter, this missionary woman was determined to get out of the freezing water and she did!  I stood watching Macon in the distance and my drenched and strong husband fighting the current to drag that canoe to the shoreline.

In survival camp, there was no contact or communication with the outside world.  There was no GPS and it prepared us for three-day river trips, many in rainstorms with fast moving currents in a dugout to reach our home among the Kunas in Pucuro.

On one journey upriver, Ralph threw a plastic over the girls and I to keep us dry; however, between the heat and humidity, the plastic fogged over and the makeshift sauna forced us to unanimously decide to enjoy the hammering raindrops.  Kim was just a few months old.  Her boot camp had already begun!

And we know that all things work together for those who love Him,and have been called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8: 28

This walk down memory lane has been a reaffirmation of how God uses adversity… difficulty… challenging times to confirm our commitment to Him and to those He is preparing us to serve.

What challenge are you facing today?

Is your anger revealing your true spiritual condition?

God is forever going before us, making sure we are prepared for the next task or circumstance.  What a comfort to rest in Him, knowing nothing will ever touch us that has not already touched Him first.  We can survive without anything, except …HIM!

“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue

at the testing point.”  C.S. Lewis

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on August 28, 2017 and filed under Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth, Motherhood.

Jackie's Journey "...Ever Disappointed?"

I took a walk down memory lane this week!  I had forgotten about a colossal part of my story until I was reminded in a prayer letter from friends who went through this part of the journey with us.  It will take a few Monday mornings to get it in written form…so watch for the second installment on Monday of next week…

Shortly after Ralph and I surrendered our lives to missions, we found ourselves driving north from the University to Fredonia, Wisconsin to begin our boot camp training in preparation for ministry abroad.  As we approached our destination we could see miles and miles of farmland with quaint picturesque country houses and barns scattered here and there across the massive landscape.  It was beautiful.  It had the rural charm of yesteryear.  This city girl was enthusiastically taking it all in until…

 We exited our car as a woman moving in a great hurry met us!  She introduced herself and quickly instructed us to follow her to the over-sized basement of the adjoining property where we found several others involved in canning (?) countless fruits and vegetables from the garden they had just harvested! 

To my amazement, these experienced workers kindly assumed that I knew what they were doing and handed me a large spoon, told me “to skim the foam off the top” and with this one line of communication…they left me to it!   I took a quick survey of the assembly line they had formed in this large room and began to take note of what each person was doing to get to where I was.  I was one stop before the contents went into a sterile jar! 

Hours later, after being shifted to different stations, Ralph and I found ourselves carrying our suitcases into the two story building next door.  Relieved to be heading toward our new home for the next nine months, we commented on the unusually long hall and wooden floor.  Immediately, upon entering the building, we were led to the left, directly upstairs and into an 11 ft. x 18 ft. open room. 

Other families were arriving and our host quickly left us to settle in.  We stood in the nearly empty room and realized we were in a dormitory where we all used a men and women’s bathroom at the end of that long hall and any water needed for cooking would be hand carried down that same hall and then, disposed of in a well 100 yards behind our building!  I never realized how much water we used each day! 

After about two weeks, our little room became a welcomed sanctuary, as we began to process all we were learning.  As the semester came to a close, I found myself looking forward to Christmas break and a trip to California to be with family.  The day before we were to leave, Ralph, who NEVER gets sick, began running a high fever.  We woke up in the night to find he had turned into a chipmunk!  He had, somehow, contracted mumps!  That next morning, I stood at the dorm entry, distressed, waving good-bye to everyone in the dorm, as they threw their suitcases into the trunk of their cars and merrily drove out of the lengthy driveway to parts unknown.  I wished them well in my heart and resolved myself to gratefully caring for my very sick husband.  I had much to learn that day and the days that followed. God counted me VERY special that Christmas holiday!  My expectations were not as important as the lessons I would learn from being left behind.  I was to miss many Christmas’ with family over the years spent in Panama. 

Our introduction to Boot Camp was not what I had expected, the accommodations were not what I had envisioned and the scheduled Christmas break was not what I had planned.  My expectations had deceitfully left me in a ditch of disappointment.  Contentment was eluded on the altar of my pending rights!

Was this part of my journey what I had expected, envisioned or plannedNOT!

Expectation + disappointment = Immaturity

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,

plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jer. 29: 11

 GOD had a better plan and His appointments often involve perplexing circumstances that are given with purpose to give us more light and to grow us up.  His vision for us is maturity.  His expectation is that we will harmonize with His plan and be the profitable servant He has called us to be for the cross of Christ.

Are you facing disappointments today?

 The manifestation of an unrealized expectation

is usually exposed by our anger! 

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on August 21, 2017 and filed under Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth, Motherhood.

Jackie's Journey "Ever Feel Unappreciated or Unnoticed?"

                    My princesses fast asleep in that hammock that swung across our main room!

                    My princesses fast asleep in that hammock that swung across our main room!

While living in the jungle my life was packed with survival living and a sense that life was passing me by!  It took a lot of time to live “off the grid” and my heart yearned to be able to just spend uninterrupted time with my two little princesses.  I would steal away and find myself with both girls curled up in the hammock that swung in the middle of the main room, book in hand.  Our calling was sure, the job description outlined, the need was great among these unreached people and our hearts were fully committed.  We were hidden in the dense Darien Gap and our job often times seemed insignificant and unnoticed. 

“A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life.  She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.  She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference.  At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.  “Is it worth it?” she often wondered.  “Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”

It was during one of these moments of questioning that she heard the still small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.  “You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be.  Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye.  But I notice.  Most of what you give is done without remuneration.  But I am your reward.  Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support.  Your influence on him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know.  I bless him through your service and honor him through your love.

Your children are precious to me.  Even more precious than they are to you.  I have entrusted them to your care to raise for me.  What you invest in them is an offering to me.  You may never be in the public spotlight.  But your obedience shines as a bright light before me. 

 Continue on.  Remember you are My servant.  Do all to please Me.”

(Roy Hessin, author of the Calvary Road)

“Life is a mission.  Every other definition is false, and leads all who accept it astray.”

Giuseppe Mazzini

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Never Sacrifice the Permanent on the Altar of the Immediate!"

I heard this quote while in college and I remember the impact it had on me then… and still has on me now.  Life is short…man’s days are determined;(God) has decreed the number of months and has set limits we cannot exceed. Job 14:5 Our time is ordained by God.  We can’t presume on the future and we can’t change the past.

Life is a series of continual choices.  Each choice determines the direction of our developing character.  Convictions make us who we are.  The difference between a conviction and a preference is what it takes to stop us from doing the right thing in the light of what we know is right by what the Word teaches.

We are continually making decisions, both good and bad, that influence our destiny and the direction our children will take when given similar circumstances.  In a world filled with immorality, drugs, alcohol, and compromise at every corner, we are faced most often with the only biblical option…to stand alone.  Standing alone defines our loyalties toward others and also, defines the loyalty others have to us. 

But, most importantly, it defines our loyalty to God.

In a world where having friends, fitting a certain mold for popularity, defining our own values in a world with no eternal values and having to accept the inevitable consequence of our decisions,  often leaves us baffled with only two options…. standing alone on God’s side or the alternative, compromise, which will offer immediate gratification, but the cost will be on the altar of the permanent.   

Which will it be?

 The decision you make will infinitely influence those who are following you…

 Compromise means you sell out what you are…

for what you hope to get.


What you hope to get is not what you want

because you have been destroyed in the compromise process.

Who you were…you no longer are!

The permanent has been sacrificed on the altar of the immediate!

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "Do You See What I See?"

Where were the Tem Commandments first written?  Some people say Exodus; others say Deuteronomy.  What about Romans 2:15, where they were written on our hearts!

With this in mind, the following standard clearly illustrates the choices we make with Social Media between obeying and violating the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20: 3-17

1.     Turn it off when you start spending more time with it than with God.

2.     Turn it off when you have more interest in the activities of your peers or Hollywood personalities than you do in God.

3.     Turn it off when God’s Name is taken in vain or Godly morals are mocked.

4.     Turn it off to honor the Lord’s Day.

5.     Turn it off when the authority of parents is challenged, belittled or neglected.

6.     Turn it off when someone is murdered or when anger and hatred are accepted and excused.

7.     Turn it off when lust or adultery are accepted or when you or others are tempted to lust.

8.     Turn it off when someone steals.

9.     Turn it off when someone tells a lie or misrepresents the truth and makes an excuse or rationalizes the offense to God.

10. Turn it off when someone covets or when you desire something that God does not intend for you to have.

What did God have in mind when He wrote

the Ten Commandments on our hearts?

 They are rules to live by, though we fail miserably.  They reflect to us our great need for Him because of our great failure to live righteously.  It’s so easy to say,  “Everyone is on social media…I have to keep up!”; “It is the “new” millennial culture, Jackie, get with the program!”; “How would I maintain my relationships or be able to keep pace with what’s going on in the world without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, iPhones, YouTube, T.V., Virtual Video Games, etc.,etc.?”; or “It would be impossible to keep up with life, if I gave God equal time”, .….

We live in a world consumed with social media.  Just checking in with all its networking tentacles keeps us occupied daily.  Setting it aside for an entire day would require intense willpower.  We observe each other... on the streets, when we are walking our dogs or children in strollers; in our cars, in the marketplace, at the family table when we gather to eat, in the bathtub; during times of entertainment or when guests are in our home…you get the picture…everywhere, all the time.  If we are not looking at a screen, we are carrying it…we read a book on it in a waiting room or in an elevator.  Being engaged in a face-to-face conversation with facial expressions and an opportunity to read the spirit of the person with whom we are speaking is a lost art and laborious in the light of a collection of abbreviations incorporated into less than two sentences.

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.  We are accountable for what we put before our eyes.   He’s watching.  Job made a covenant with his eyesDoes he (God) not see my ways and count my every step.” Job 31: 4; 36: 7 He does not take his eyes off the righteous.”

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Jackie's Journey "The Hills are Alive..."

Driving home one crisp and clear Monday morning, I looked up from the traffic to view an astonishing sight!  The hills were alive with masses of green flora!  “…He is like brightness after the rain that brings grass to the earth.” II Sam. 23:4   I live at the top of a valley and we have been in a drought for years.  The hillsides on both sides are either vibrant green or latent brown.  When green, the vegetation is thick and the variation of colors is almost more than the eye can bear in beauty.  When brown, it is as if the earth has closed its doors and left the ground dead, blanketed in weeds and dust.

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of

childbirth right up to the present time.” Romans 8: 22 (NIV)

The dry earth lies in wait.  It is dormant as the season’s come and go.  It patiently waits for the Creator to open the floodgates of heaven with rain to saturate the soil once again.  “He provides rain for the earth and sends water on the countryside". Job 5: 10    After months of “dry bones” the response to the nurturing dewdrops of the night past had been instant!  The blades of grass were standing straight up and immediately beginning to show signs of new life.  “The earth had burst into jubilant song… Psalms 98:4   ♫The hills are alive with the sound of music ♬ and covered in a magnificent lush green hue again!

I was so fascinated; my inclination was to burst into song!

“He calls forth songs of joy.” Psa.65: 8

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…” Psa.24: 1I   All creation obeys God!  I was thinking what a difference this world would be if the “human” world, like the flora world, would instantly respond to the initial promptings of the Creator. What if we would immediately stand up tall with an eager response and dedicated conviction to be and do whatever our Creator asks of us?  We would change our world, as we know it!  Wouldn’t we?

When God speaks to you, what is your response?

 Is it instant obedience or is it a contrived excuse? 

Kim, our youngest daughter with Megan, our granddaughter,

Climbed to the top for a clear view of the green valley…

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on July 24, 2017 and filed under Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth.

Jackie's Journey "A Kingdom is Coming...Are You Ready?"

You know, when family gets together you never know what to expect!  A few weeks ago we celebrated Easter with half of my family in the home of my treasured 98-year-old Mother.  Between my youngest sister and I there were 13 young knights from ages of a few months to 16!    These "men-in-the-making" are distinctly programed differently than little princesses.  The 5 princesses present (ages 2-18) had elegant attire, all color coordinated.  The little ones were in ballerina shoes and fancy dresses; all had long silky blond hair, and gentle soft voices.  Yes, definitely princesses! They were quietly engaging all of us in conversation and the littlest one was dancing and throwing a ball with her loving and very patient grandpa. 

Those knightly little boys were busy from the moment they entered the room, glad to have someone to chase, throw a ball with, tackle and wrestle.  The pool became a focal point for all the hyper activity and competitive pursuits.  They were fast and focused, eagerly keeping up with all the action around them!  I have to admit that little boys are completely entertaining!  The continual motion and hilarious interaction made for an extremely pleasurable afternoon.

I  love the differences, as well as, the similarities between little girls and little boys.  Both were kind and respectful with each other and with those of us watching.  They both showed maturity for their age groups.  The fact that there was very little dissension of any kind was a joy to witness.  In the pool the girls were as athletic as the boys and the brothers and cousins were protective of the girls and each other. 

Families are little kingdoms being prepared for the kingdom that is to come.  As a mom, watching and listening with my own mother, observing the generation “in-the-making”, I found myself engulfed with numerous kingdom analogies.

The Old Testament is full of kingdoms that came and went, some righteous; some wicked.  Reading through the generations of families in times past, I observed a pattern: some started well and finished poorly; some kings sought God first; some kings were even acknowledged by God as diligently righteous like their forefathers before them.  Then again, there were many that were murdered and rejected…in some cases an entire family of sons was murdered by a new king or a family member!  Often a godly king was followed by his ungodly son who took the throne and destroyed everything God had done in his father’s generation.

Where will our children and children’s children take us?  Are we preparing them to stand alone in a geo-political world that is controlled by information from UTube, Twitter, Internet News, etc?  Can our young people discern truth from all that is out there? 

Are they biblically discerning or terminally distracted?

 The pull of the world is undeniable. Little princesses and little knights in shining armor are destined to be a part of God’s kingdom.  Our diligence and example will prepare them to boldly stand alone in an increasingly dark environment.

 What steps of action are you taking to prepare your little ones

for the kingdom coming?

“In love He destined us for adoption unto himself.” Ephesians 1:5

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.