Posts tagged #waiting on the Lord

Jackie's Journey " Alexandra's Allegory"

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Miss Dana Point and my real Princess…

“Now, it was roughly 3 o’clock in the afternoon and I was experiencing a deep midday slump. I had hustled to the gym earlier that same morning and then proceeded to aggressively attack homework assignments into the afternoon. I was feeling overwhelmed with the craziness of life and found myself trapped once again in a mindset I fight so hard to overcome. 

I sat on my bed thinking to myself, “When will I know what my career will be?, When will I feel like I am living life to its fullest?, When will the love of my life propose?, Does everyone have days where they feel a lacking of purpose?”. As I wallowed in discontentment with where God currently has me in life.  I heard a bold knock on my bedroom door. Before I could gather the words to say “come in” the door had already flung open, and “Patience” stood there glaring at me with a peaceful smirk. 

“Quiet down!” she said as I stared back at her. “I’m not making any noise!”, I shouted. She chuckled, “Your thoughts are so loud I could hear them echoing through the hallway!”. Patience then took a seat on the end of my bed and proceeded to ask me why I’m feeling overwhelmed when I know that I am living amid God’s plans. She took me by the hands, and I began to explain to her the mindset that overtakes me; this constant race to ‘what’s next’. 

Patience smiled great big and said, “Although you are praying for God’s plans for the future, you forget that you are currently living out what you prayed for in the past”. She added, “Only a heart of gratitude will yield contentment with current circumstances”. 

Suddenly, the gloomy cloud of anxiousness passed over me. Patience reminded me that when I focus only on the future I miss out on the present and ‘time’ is something that I can never regain. 

So, from that point on I went about the rest of my day praising God and seeking out ways to better express gratitude for the present and all its unknowns”. 

This Blog was recently written as an allegory by my granddaughter, Alexandra Grace.

The prayer of the “comfort and convenient” seeking American woman is, “Dear God, I pray for patience. And I want it right now!”  In Bible School, the standing joke was, “never pray for patience because that’s when the trials come!”  Of course, as moms, we see that the struggle is the opportunity to accept it with joy and grow.  The trial is our friend.  Our anger is best controlled when our choices include exercising patience!  John Dewey said, “Patience is the most useful of the virtues.”  

Go out this week and choose, as my granddaughter did in her allegory…

to rest in God’s perfect timing …

and start giving thanks for yesterdays answered prayer 

and enjoying the contentment of todays present…


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.