Posts tagged #usefulness

Jackie's Journey "Ever Feel Unappreciated or Unnoticed?"

                    My princesses fast asleep in that hammock that swung across our main room!

                    My princesses fast asleep in that hammock that swung across our main room!

While living in the jungle my life was packed with survival living and a sense that life was passing me by!  It took a lot of time to live “off the grid” and my heart yearned to be able to just spend uninterrupted time with my two little princesses.  I would steal away and find myself with both girls curled up in the hammock that swung in the middle of the main room, book in hand.  Our calling was sure, the job description outlined, the need was great among these unreached people and our hearts were fully committed.  We were hidden in the dense Darien Gap and our job often times seemed insignificant and unnoticed. 

“A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life.  She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.  She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference.  At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.  “Is it worth it?” she often wondered.  “Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”

It was during one of these moments of questioning that she heard the still small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.  “You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be.  Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye.  But I notice.  Most of what you give is done without remuneration.  But I am your reward.  Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support.  Your influence on him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know.  I bless him through your service and honor him through your love.

Your children are precious to me.  Even more precious than they are to you.  I have entrusted them to your care to raise for me.  What you invest in them is an offering to me.  You may never be in the public spotlight.  But your obedience shines as a bright light before me. 

 Continue on.  Remember you are My servant.  Do all to please Me.”

(Roy Hessin, author of the Calvary Road)

“Life is a mission.  Every other definition is false, and leads all who accept it astray.”

Giuseppe Mazzini

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.