Posts tagged #spring cleaning

Spring Cleaning: My House...My Soul

“I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.... I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.”  ~Nancie J. Carmody

Spring is here!  I see it all around me.  My favorite tree, the Jacaranda, is blooming gorgeous purple flowers on every street here in Southern California.  My roses are budding in every color and the nights are getting longer.  I just love spring!

It’s been a few years since I have done a thorough cleaning of our home. This last week a girlfriend helped me clean out cupboards and closets. Some items untouched from the day we moved in 13 years ago! Within my soul, a cleansing began.

At the same time, we began a body detox to rid our bodies of toxins. Since fighting cancer a second time, I attempt to clean my body every four to six weeks to hopefully stop it from making these evil little cells again.  Within my soul, a cleansing began.

Experiencing an overload over a few months, I have found myself too busy heading out to conventions, homeschooling the kids, traveling on many airplanes and living just day-to-day with four kids and husband. Funny, no matter what is going on they still want to eat, have clean clothes and a mom/wife to depend on.  I was desperately needing a refocus!

I began Spring Cleaning of my own heart and mind!  I took a break from the areas of my life that created too much busyness along with burdens.  Obviously, I could not cancel everything on my schedule, but I wanted a clean slate (as best I could).  Here within a season of stopping to ask the Lord what He desires me to do, where He wants me to spend my time and who He created me to invest my time in. 

I scrubbed my soul and swept my journal, just as we scoured and tidied up my house.  Looking to scripture for guidance and praying for direction, I brought every thought to the Lord.  Providentially, detoxing requires a good deal of fasting and meditating so I continued my quest during this time.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew right spirit in me.” Psalm 51:10

What did God reveal during my Spring Cleaning?  I am still a work in progress with still so far to go.  Many areas brought to my attention are clearly “blind spots” for me. So I am focusing on three character qualities I am working on. I am spending more time with my family and keeping my health in check.

I let my soul fill up with junk, exactly like my cupboards.  Just as I allowed dust, moths and unwanted items to waste my space, I permitted anger, sadness and pride to seep into the corners of my mind and heart.  I hadn’t guarded against the hidden attacks, and my soul felt burdened and heavy because of my careless season.

Spring Cleaning continues on in my inner sanctuary.  Clearly, I need a deep clean like my oven and sofas.  The end is nowhere in sight, but I am committed to cleaning, not only the rest of my house, but the recesses of my heart too.

How have you been doing your spring cleaning this year?

~Jeanna Young

When Jeanna is not writing, speaking, event planning, or homeschooling, she can be found scrapbooking her life, redecorating her home, loving on her husband, planning fun events for her kids or eating healthy to stay cancer-free!

Posted on May 26, 2016 and filed under Being a Wife, Motherhood.