Posts tagged #sir alexander

Jackie's Journey: Raising an Alert Knight

Little boys are born with an adventurous spirit!  They see themselves as trusted warriors with swords whittled out of sticks and pieces of wood.  They visualize heroic acts of valor.  God designed them that way.  As parents, we want to encourage our little men to be strong and courageous. They will grow to know a God who is mighty and has a defined plan and purpose for their lives. 

Since we moms spend the bulk of our time with our little boys, God’s plan is for us to be the “movers and shakers” in shaping these young knights-in-the-making.  The responsibility of being alert to unpredictable dangers that will hinder our efforts is crucial.  What would you say is the key to being alert? 

Would you like that key? 

The pre-requisite to raising an alert young knight can only be accomplished as we walk in a consistent, intimate relationship with God.  When we are mighty in Spirit, little hearts learn how to watch and respond to the dangers in life. 

Are you mighty in spirit?

Are you alert to signals of danger in the life of your son?

Alertness is the awareness that a deadly enemy is stalking us. Being alert is acting quickly on signals of danger. “A wise man will hear danger and increase learning.”  Pro. 1: 5   Dangers come in many forms. We are called upon to be alert to physical, spiritual, moral, mental…. hazards in life.  Preparing our little guys to face life’s temptations is an immensely inclusive charge.  Sometimes danger seems harmless at first…a nuisance, but once we compromise a little we find it consuming us!  Little ones read our spirit and will follow our example.  We have a responsibility to act on what we know and to teach our little ones to obey God and their authority (us!).

Young Sir Alexander exemplifies the character quality of Alertness.  He is the youngest of the five brothers.  His valor and alertness are tested when he guards the palace and fearlessly and vigilantly responds to the dangers transpiring around him.

A valiant knight is alert and acts quickly to dangers in life that creep in unaware.

We trust Sir Alexander will encourage and inspire your little knight as you teach him the importance of being alert to the predators that will try to rob him of the life God has planned for him. Jeremiah 29:11

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.