Posts tagged #princess possibilities

Jackie's Journey "Born to Soar!"

The Princess Parables Series was created to address the “Born to Soar” thought. What makes some people seem to soar, to take on one challenge after another and still be capable of more?  What makes a person so satisfied and enthusiastic about life that they want to share with everyone, and others listen because they know this person has something worth sharing?

 We are parents or the “parents-to-be” of a little prince or princess one day.  The question is, “How can we take our children to that place?”  For that matter, how do we, personally, get to that place?  We are not designed to exist in a state of distraction, always being entertained by our phone, music or social media…  God expects more from us.

 It starts early!  When my four little league grandson’s played soccer and they would win, the excitement was palpable!  Winners feel better than losers and God created us to win…not a contest with others, but in our struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil, against demons of doubt, ignorance and inaction. There is no joy apart from personal growth, fulfilling the desire to know that God instilled in us…a  drive to excel.

 Children’s success starts with you and me.  By sharing what we are learning, how God is teaching us and by communicated hopes and dreams translated through our struggles to overcome and grow, our children catch the vision, purpose and our willingness to believe God for something bigger than ourselves.

 We are known and read by these little ones coming after us.  We can’t fool them!  They are watching and learning and time is short.  Are you “a hands-on-mom”, taking every opportunity to live and speak truth into your little one? What are they seeing?  Most things are more easily caught than taught.  Living a life with vision and intention must be caught.

 How are your responses to life’s situations?

These are the shadowy corners where they watch and learn.

They are counting on us…

 They are counting on us…

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.