Posts tagged #princess plan

Jackie's Journey "Looking for Answers??"

We are in crisis on every level!  We face unknowns and turmoil of every kind imaginable.  Our homes, families, culture, cities, states, and country are in a state of total confusion and chaos. Our streets are unsafe. Our children are unprotected.  Everyone has a solution and nothing gets better.  We are imbalanced and leaning over a cliff with no return…unless, we look to the “Author and Finisher” for help!

 “The widely accepted concept that we can choose to accept Christ only because we need Him as Savior and that we have the right to postpone our obedience to Him as  Lord, as long as we want to…is  heresy!  The truth is that salvation apart from obedience is unknown in the sacred scriptures.  To urge men and women to believe in a divided Christ is bad teaching. 

 How can we teach  that we can be saved without any thought of obedience to our Sovereign Lord?  It is wrong to look upon Jesus as a divine nurse to whom we can go when sin has made us sick, and after he has helped us, to say good-bye and go our own way. 

Christ will either be Lord of all or He will not be Lord at all!!

  In our time we have overemphasized the psychology of the sinner’s condition.  We  spend  much time describing the woe  of the sinner, the grief of the sinner, and the great burden he carries.  He does have all those, but we forget the principal fact-that the sinner is a rebel against properly constituted authority.   That is what makes sin…sin.  We are rebels, or an independent spirit disloyal to all precepts of a Sovereign God.  The root of sin is rebellion against God…the Lord will not save those whom He cannot command.

 Do we really think that we do not owe Jesus Christ our obedience?  We have owed Him our obedience since the moment we cried out to Him for salvation, and if we do not give Him that obedience, I have reason to wonder if we are really converted.” A. W. Tozer “Why do you call me Lord and not do as I say”. Luke 6:46

 What’s the plan?”

 There is only one place to find answers…

Are we really looking for answers or an excuse?


“It is sin not to pursue Him with all our heart!” II Cor. 12:14

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.