Posts tagged #prayer inside-out

Jackie's Journey "What? ...Why Not?"

“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. 

 If encouraged, it cuts a channel 

into which all other thoughts are drained.” Arthur Somers Roche


I’m a mom and when someone says, “Don’t worry”, I instantly balk!  I know worry is sin.  I know God is in control of all the current chaos.  The command in this portion of Scripture is “do not worry” about life, our future (current chaos included!), food, our bodies, or clothing.  God feeds all the birds in the air and the animals in the world. (Luke 12:22-31) His question to us is, “how much more valuable are people, believers, than the birds?”  

 For us women worry has a purpose that gives it value!  Do you know what it is?   Worry is purposed to place needs on our hearts to be converted into prayer.  We are to cast our cares or worries on Him who can do something about it.  The question is, then, “why do we worry?”  Why do we feel we have an ounce of control? Being responsible is not the issue here.  Being negligent in our relationship to Him is.  Our only real concern should be how we are linked to God in this existing growth process.  Is He really first in my life?  Is my primary concern in life pleasing Him?  Am I a light to those in darkness?  Do I prepare daily for the task or desires that He places on my heart?

 “…Oh you of little faith.”  

God is asking us…why we doubt Him?

 What has He done that is not believable?  “Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink: do not worry about it.”(Lu. 12:28,29)   Why Not?  That is not our goal.  Lost people worry about such things because they are their own and only hope.

 What is the promise?

 “Seek the King and His kingdom, and all these things will be given to you”. (Luke 12:31)

 Place your future (regardless of present circumstances), wealth, talents, time and pleasure in His hands, so He can convert it into souls.  Aim for treasures that will last forever. (Lu.12:32-34)

 All the above is to prepare our lives for service to the King and to be at His service for the benefit of others.  The exchanged life is our hearts and lives alert to His commands, while He is concerned about our needs…future (regardless of chaos all around), food, clothing, housing, health, family, education relationships etc.  (Lu.12:35-38)   He will return to get His people… when? (Lu. 12: 40)

Will we be ready?

 In verses Luke 12:45-46, God finds the unfaithful doing his own thing.  His life is a fraud.  Hell is his final destination.  He enjoyed his sin for a season and had his time of pleasure. (Luke 12:45-46)  We are held accountable for our relationship to Him and how we have spent our lives. 

 “Worry is Prayer Inside-Out…” Ralph Johnson

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.