Posts tagged #kingdom present

Jackie's Journey "A Kingdom is Coming...Are You Ready?"

You know, when family gets together you never know what to expect!  A few weeks ago we celebrated Easter with half of my family in the home of my treasured 98-year-old Mother.  Between my youngest sister and I there were 13 young knights from ages of a few months to 16!    These "men-in-the-making" are distinctly programed differently than little princesses.  The 5 princesses present (ages 2-18) had elegant attire, all color coordinated.  The little ones were in ballerina shoes and fancy dresses; all had long silky blond hair, and gentle soft voices.  Yes, definitely princesses! They were quietly engaging all of us in conversation and the littlest one was dancing and throwing a ball with her loving and very patient grandpa. 

Those knightly little boys were busy from the moment they entered the room, glad to have someone to chase, throw a ball with, tackle and wrestle.  The pool became a focal point for all the hyper activity and competitive pursuits.  They were fast and focused, eagerly keeping up with all the action around them!  I have to admit that little boys are completely entertaining!  The continual motion and hilarious interaction made for an extremely pleasurable afternoon.

I  love the differences, as well as, the similarities between little girls and little boys.  Both were kind and respectful with each other and with those of us watching.  They both showed maturity for their age groups.  The fact that there was very little dissension of any kind was a joy to witness.  In the pool the girls were as athletic as the boys and the brothers and cousins were protective of the girls and each other. 

Families are little kingdoms being prepared for the kingdom that is to come.  As a mom, watching and listening with my own mother, observing the generation “in-the-making”, I found myself engulfed with numerous kingdom analogies.

The Old Testament is full of kingdoms that came and went, some righteous; some wicked.  Reading through the generations of families in times past, I observed a pattern: some started well and finished poorly; some kings sought God first; some kings were even acknowledged by God as diligently righteous like their forefathers before them.  Then again, there were many that were murdered and rejected…in some cases an entire family of sons was murdered by a new king or a family member!  Often a godly king was followed by his ungodly son who took the throne and destroyed everything God had done in his father’s generation.

Where will our children and children’s children take us?  Are we preparing them to stand alone in a geo-political world that is controlled by information from UTube, Twitter, Internet News, etc?  Can our young people discern truth from all that is out there? 

Are they biblically discerning or terminally distracted?

 The pull of the world is undeniable. Little princesses and little knights in shining armor are destined to be a part of God’s kingdom.  Our diligence and example will prepare them to boldly stand alone in an increasingly dark environment.

 What steps of action are you taking to prepare your little ones

for the kingdom coming?

“In love He destined us for adoption unto himself.” Ephesians 1:5

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.