Posts tagged #joyful otter

Jackie's Journey "Outlandish Otter Antics!"

Jungle  living was a lot of work.  The daily routine, just to live,  often became humdrum and after removing the clothes from the clothesline for the second or third time because of thundering rain… even dreary!  At times, it was tedious and monotonous.  

 One day, our partner’s second son, David, came up the bank with a playful river otter in tow.  He had been fishing and this roly-poly little bundle of hyperactivity followed him home! That  delightful creature found joy in life by just being in David’s presence.  He was attention-grabbing and outlandishly  fascinating every waking minute.  He made even his mundane chores a delight.   

 We watched him conquer the fear of water and take on any difficult activity and turn it into  a lively pursuit.  He entertained us all for hours. His carefree, light-hearted attitude began to speak to my rotten heart!  Joy is not the absence of trouble and inconvenience but the presence of Christ and His fullness.   Joy is the the component that, when added to a trial, provides the strength to endure it.

 Had I forgotten that “in His presence is the fullness of joy; and at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore?” Psa. 16; 11  The rewards of joy are physical, psychological and spiritual.  Joy is contagious and I was catching the little otter’s enthusiasm!  Joy is our brightness because “a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.” Proverbs 15:13  It does good like medicine.” Proverbs 17: 22  Joy is the reward of giving love away.  “The joy of the Lord is our strength!”Neh. 8: 10  Joy is the reward of giving love away!

 “Who among us can be counted on for happiness?   It is those who never take  self into consideration.” Amy Carmichael  JOY HAS NO VALUE UNTIL IT IS GIVEN AWAY.  The person who gives joy away becomes richer.  Joy can be expressed in as simple as  a genuine smile from a joyful heart.

 Do people see a bright countenance when they look at you?

Are you reflecting  gratefulness with your attitude

toward other’s, your children and family?


If the Word is dwelling richly in you,

and your fellowship with Him is whole-hearted …

your spirit will be joyful.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.