Posts tagged #joy of conversation

Jackie's Journey "The Get-Closer Quiz"


It is looking like the beginning of an interesting spring and summer with our  welcoming our freedom again to move around, albeit, with modifications.  Nonetheless, the joy of stirring about, without restraint is long-awaited and timely.

 Looking for a summer activity or a late “lockdown” 

suggestion to do with your family?

  I have a few questions you could ask your children, if you want to have some fun while sitting at the beach or B-B-Q-ing in the back-yard. I have two daughters and seven grand-children.  Questions always bring the brain into action and tickle the funny bone when the environment is casual and trusting.  For example…

 1.     If you could trade lives with someone, who would it be?

2.     What is the most enjoyable thing our family has done in the past year?

3.     What is the most precious thing you own?

4.     Do you have a dream for the future that keeps popping up?  What is it?

5.     Name your three favorite movies or bible characters.

6.     Do you believe there is life on other planets?

7.     Do you believe in eternal life?  How do you see it?


Here are a few they could ask you:


1.     If you were going to describe me to a friend, what three adjectives would you use?

2.     What was the best present I ever gave you?

3.     What did you get into trouble for when you were a kid?

4.      What makes you cry?

5.     Who was your best friend in high school?

6.     How would you describe Dad (or Mom) when you first meet him (or her)?

7.     What do you think is the meaning of success?


Does your child easily talk about his/her emotions?  What about empathy for others?  Would you describe your prince or princess as optimistic and able to comfortably handle himself or herself well in a group of  his/her own age?  Have you talked about reasonable goals for your child’s age and some thoughts on how to reach those goals?  What about their ability to wait patiently and listen attentively?

 How do you see the need of your child?

 Questions help evaluate the trust your child has in you and increases their skill to verbalize their values, point of view and what is important to them.  Being transparent and honest opens the box for an entertaining and enjoyable time together. With social media so prevalent and time consuming…conversation has become a lost art!

Scoop that prince and princess up this week 

and find a moment to “face to face” communicate

and let them experience the preciousness of 

“real” interaction over the superficial!

 “I saw tomorrow look at me from little children’s eyes and thought…

how carefully we would speak if we were really wise.”


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.