Posts tagged #deception

Jackie's Journey: Raising a Virtuous Knight

Little boys are born with an adventurous spirit!  Their priorities include competition and, at all costs, winning!  You have heard of Jedi knights and princes of kingdoms in faraway lands.  Well, young Sir Christian, like his brothers, carries with him the noble destiny of our future!

As moms we realize the privilege and responsibility of building godly character into the lives of our little fledging knights-in-the-making.  Their character and personalities begin at an early age to express the reality of the challenge, boldly and often times loudly.  The character quality of Virtue seems auspicious, yet unattainable at first sight. 

Little eyes and ears are watching, listening and imitating.  Realizing that virtue is learning to build personal, principled standards that will cause others to desire a more godly life clearly places the task in our corner first - and then in others!  I cannot teach and expect others to learn if I do not practice what I preach.  I am to be an example, not an excuse!  

Virtue is the fruit of grace as we are given light from His Word.  Our little guys are drawn toward a mommy that is sensitive toward their spirit and definite toward their will when they call for it.   

There is a thief that focuses on robbing our opportunities

to build virtue into our children.

It’s called Deception!  Time in the Word can be lost to immediate demands of responsibility and a whirlwind of activity.  Finding a “War Room” where we can be equipped to meet the challenges of virtue in our own lives and in the life of the future generation that is represented in our little knight is lost!

Our little men are watching our responses.  Crisis is the true test for our virtue.  We demonstrate what we really are spiritually in times of adversity…not when things are going smoothly!  Proverbs 24:10

What is our response when:

  • We are evil spoken of
  • Our loyalty has been betrayed
  • Our will is crossed
  • We are forgotten or neglected

Our response reveals to us if we are virtuous women or hypocrites!

Sir Christian exemplifies the character quality of Virtue.  Facing the possible loss of his mother, young Christian’s destiny, as well as his brothers’, is drastically challenged.  A chivalrous knight understands sacrifice and the laying down of one’s own life for others.  Sir Christian’s moral excellence radiates from his life as he obeys his authority and God’s word.

We hope Sir Christian will encourage and inspire your little knight as you teach him to live righteously.

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on February 8, 2016 and filed under Motherhood, Character and Virtue, Spiritual Growth.