Posts tagged #children are magic

Jackie's Journey "Would the REAL Mom Please Stand Up!"

Etching by Michelle Akerman

 Where have all the real Mothers gone?  Dr. Brenda Hunter wrote, “It’s difficult to be a mother today.  At every turn, we are told how to exercise, diet, dress-for-success, find fulfillment in a career, be politically and philosophically correct and share tasks equally with our husbands.  Additionally, we are encouraged to rear good children on minimal time!  The ideal mother by todays standards, is one ‘who can do it all’”.  As family demands and responsibilities are changing, mothers are required to work harder at keeping proper balance between what is priority and what is not.

 Are we convinced that “she who rocks the cradle, rules the world?”

 Mothers are “the first book read and the last book put aside in every child’s library.”   There is no more influential role on earth than a mother’s role.  As significant as political, military, educational or religious figures may be, none can compare to the impact made by mothers on their children.  Their words are never fully forgotten, their touch leaves an indelible impression and the memory of their presence lasts a lifetime.  Who else is anywhere near that influential??

 I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of seven grown prince and princesses. I had the privilege of teaching each of them to read and basic math. My first child, Christina, was born during Missionary Training Boot Camp where a world of unknowns was facing me with the unbelievable responsibility of a new beautiful child…who, by the way, was pure magic!

 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required”. Luke 12:48

 A child is the most undeniably, magical gift given to us…and to us to whom it is given…much will be required.  No pressure…just a little harmless verse tucked away in Scripture that not only challenges us, but…calls us to action!

 That little girl brought such joy into my life I was sure my heart would burst!  She, also, brought a fear of failure because I knew me…the real me, inside, and I knew I could not do this job right.  When we talk about motherhood, we are talking about a celebration of our heritage…acknowledging that the only part of us that goes on and carries us into the future…our beliefs, our character, our philosophies, our ideologies is our children.

 Motherhood is the most significant investment we will make in our lifetime!

 “Without a vision, the people perish”.  The Bible is clear.

What is your vision for your child?

Do you believe that God has laid out a plan,

taking into consideration your child’s talents, abilities, and engiftments?

Do you believe God knows best?


Then the question is: How do we get in harmony with His vision

and plan and stop pushing our own?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.