Posts tagged #New Year priorities

Jackie's Journey "Warning Signs..."

We don’t know what the New Year holds, but we need to be alert. A New Year calls for a re-aligning our goals and priorities, so that the goas we set are achievable.  When you look at your family, what do you see?  What happened to the “Beaver Cleveland” household where character was a badge of ownership and attitudes and actions lined up with biblical principles?  We are in a new day that looks just like the rebellious and entitled Israelite’s in Old Testament glory days!

 In the Princess Parables, careful attention is given to the relationships in the kingdom family.  Each princess is called into accountability and her life is weighed in the balance of what is biblically accurate and right.  Obedience to the King’s loving authority is not only correct, but is willingly deferred to. It’s a fresh take on our current culture!

 What happened to the woman’s biblical “submission” to her husband as his aid and assistant (like before the fall in the Garden of Eden)?  It was, after all, God’s creation order. (I Cor. 11: 3)  The woman’s willingness was corrupted in the fall and a usurping rebellion took root.  Adam’s loving leadership was also corrupted! Hence, we struggle with the rebellion we see in us and our children.

 What do you see when you look at your little ones? How are their attitudes toward you? Can they count on you to fulfill your word? Do you admit quickly when you are wrong? How are your priorities?  What do your children read from you when you correct them? Can your children follow your example, as you walk through life?

 When our little one’s sense conflict between parents or a favoritism between siblings they feel rejected or they take up offense for one or the other parent, dividing their loyalties.  These are the seeds of rebellion.  Satan has a program of rebellion to steal, kill and destroy us and he is really busy in our families.

 The New Year comes with promise and possibilities for a year of new beginnings. Can you detect early warnings of rebellion in your life and in those you love?   Where do you go to find answers…the Internet? YouTube? Or maybe comparing with others?  Submitting to follow God’s Way through His Word and His truth should be our goal. Attempting to find a path with promise and clarity in the world’s system is foolhardy, at best. Finding God’s “creation plan” for our life and our families is a worthy goal to embrace this year…

 Will you join me?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.