Posts tagged #It makes or breaks you

Jackie's Journey "How do You do in the Trenches?"


Virtue is the positive influence my life has on others by my right responses to life’s situations. The woman in the last chapter of Proverbs sets the standard.  Who wouldn’t want to be that Proverbs 31 woman of virtue?  Our claim to fame would be we are “mighty in spirit”!  We would be noble in character, have the trust of our husband, lack nothing, be clothed in strength and dignity, our children would call us blessed and our husbands would praise us!  Sounds good to me…A “Win-win”…

The alternative, of course, is a despicable choice!  As moms, we would not want our children to accept impurity, in any of its forms, as normal and we, definitely, would not want to give them a bad example to follow, would we?  “Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence and purity of spirit that radiates from our lives as we obey God.” (Gothard)

 “There is but one virtue…the eternal sacrifice of self.”  Henry George

A vibrant Christian life is found by losing our lives in others!  “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life in others for my sake will find it.” Matt. 10:37-39  All the virtuous character qualities in the world can be summed up in the truth of that one verse…dedicated deference living for the benefit of others and the glory of God.  Not stumbling blocks, but stepping-stones!

 It would make us all declarers of truth, servants, teachers, exhorters, givers and bearers of one another’s burdens.  The body of Christ would function.  The home would be filled with God and His ways.  Our children would rise up and call us blessed.  Harmony would rule!

Who doesn’t want that?

 These are the last of the 31 virtues from last week.  These verses can be prayed into your life and the life of your husband and children.  There are 31 total…one for each day of the month (with your Proverb of the day).

16. Peace-loving.  “Father, let my children make every effort to do what leads to peace.” (Rom. 14: 19)

 17.Joyful.  “May my children be filled with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.” (I Thess. 1: 6)

18.Perseverance.  “Lord, teach my children perseverance in all they do and helpthem especially to run with perseverance the race marked out for them.  (Heb. 12:1)

19.Humility. “God. Please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all.”  (Titus 3: 2)

20.Compassion. “Lord, please clothe my children with the virtue of Compassion.” (Col. 3:12)

21.Responsibility.  “Grant that my children may learn responsibility, for each one should carry his own load. (Gal. 6:5)

22.Contentment.  “Father, teach my children the secret of being content in every situation, through Him who gives them strength.”  (Phil. 4: 12-13)

23.Faith.  “I pray that faith will find root and grow in my children’s hearts, that by faith they may gain what has been promised to them.”  (Lu. 17: 5-6; Heb.11: 1-40)

24. A servant’s heart.  “God, please help my children develop servant’s hearts, that they may serve wholeheartedly, as if they were serving the Lord, not men.”  (Eph. 6: 7)

25. Hope.  “May the God of hope grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Rom. 15:13)

26. Willingness and ability to work.  “Teach my children, Lord, to value work ad to work at it with their heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Col. 3: 23)

27. Passion for God.  “Lord, please instill in my children a soul that follows hard after you. (Psa. 63: 8), one that clings passionately to you.”   

28. Self-discipline.  “Father, I pray that my children may acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair.” (Prov. 1: 3)

29. Prayerfulness.  “Grant, Lord, that my children’s lives may be marked by prayerfulness, that they may learn to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kind of prayers and requests.” (Eph. 6: 18)

30. Gratitude.  “Help my children to live lives that are always overflowing with thankfulness and always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph. 5:20, Col.2: 7)

31. A heart for missions.  “Lord, please help my children to develop a desire to see your glory declared among the nations, your marvelous deeds among all peoples.” (Psa. 96:3)  (These 31 verses were given to me many years ago with no author referenced...they are too valuable not to pass on to you young mothers) 

The Proverbs 31 virtuous woman has no name and we don’t know what she looked like or her personality.  We learn of her inner character.  She understood God-control and the blessing of surrendering to Him in her choices.  She is being praised for her spiritual character…not her physical beauty or accomplishments.  Many of the virtues listed here are acknowledged in this last chapter of Proverbs.

Are you a woman of excellent character?

Do those following you see God in you… in your conversation, actions and attitudes?

 Moral Excellence is not made in crisis or in the trenches; it is only exhibited…

Crisis reflects our virtue or lack of it!

 How are you in the trenches?

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~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.