Posts tagged #Imperatives

Jackie's Journey "Life's Enquiries!"

I am the mom of two princesses, who now, each, have young knights and princesses of their own.  It was important to me, as a young mom, that my girls understood the Four Imperative Life Enquiries (Ravi Zacharias) that demand a response.  All creation cries out for an answer to these four crucial questions about life. 

My two great-nieces, Princess Emma and Princess Olivia

My two great-nieces, Princess Emma and Princess Olivia

Most young moms are so busy and preoccupied with the “success” and safety (riots, shootings, child trafficking, internet interruptions on school study websites with pornography, false teachings, etc.) of their child that these four are often not addressed and when they leave home their young knights and princesses are ill-equipped to survive the worldly pressures, let alone lead the way, as a prepared soldier for a lost generation.

 We are inundated with social media and a multitude of ways that will readily educate our children incorrectly, and the home values are side-stepped by influences that are strategically programmed to the detriment of our young, impressionable heritage. 

 Have we dropped the ball??

 Young men and women of this generation are gasping for air, as they face the uncertain road ahead…unprepared and unaware.  So much emphasis has been placed on the temporal, rather than the eternal. The fruit we discern in the lives of our young prince and princesses is the obvious revelation of our neglect.  

 What do you see when you look around?  What do you hear?  Do your children listen to you with kind respect when you speak or do they roll their eyes and look for an escape? Are your children an inspiration or a discouragement to you?  Do they respond to their siblings with the purposed intention of making their brother or sister more successful or is there blatant competition, belittling and discord?  Is there a joyful attitude or a demanding one in your home?  Do you find your prince or princess interested in eternal things or focused on temporal values?  

 I am observing this new generation that will one day lead with the cross of Christ or will be lost to follow the world in discontentment.  Have the four life enquiries been addressed in your home?  Are the questions that all of us seek been answered to satisfy and settle our souls?

 1)    What is the origin of the universe, the world and us?

2)    What is the meaning of Life?

3)    What is morality and does it concern us?

4)    What is our destiny?

 Has your prince or princess found a safe place in you to easily talk about these imperatives?  Do you have the answers?  The Word of God is very explicit in the clarity of explanation to satisfy these probing questions. Is your child alert to the importance of implanting the truth and answers from God’s Word? Have you talked about these four goals and some thoughts on how to address and reach them?  How do you see the need of your child? 

 How do you see your need?  

How do your children read you when they witness

 the way you address life and these four imperatives? 

Will they be ready?

Are you?

 Will you join me in preparing yourself and this next generation 

with the answers for the obstacles of life they will encounter?


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on September 28, 2020 and filed under spiritual growth, Motherhood, womanhood.