Posts tagged #Ethnos 360

Jackie's Journey "Images from the Past"

An image of my nearest Pucuro neighbors, Luis and Micheala Tovar

An image of my nearest Pucuro neighbors, Luis and Micheala Tovar

"When you experience tribal life, you get a glimpse of an authentic New Testament community.  There are no booming high-tech worship bands, there are no coffee stations with donuts piled high and there are no folks sitting at round tables who only see each other once a week.

These tribal folks are born into this community, rarely venture outside the area,they grow old and pass away in the same community. This way of life is difficult and there are more lows than highs and yet, leaning on each other, they walk this difficult path together”. Our friend and fellow missionary, Macon Hare, shared these words this past week and it brought to mind a flood of memories from a huge part of my past.

When faced with leaving our village, because of my failing health, I realized that after living with the Kunas for years, I would possibly never see these dear people in this life-time.  However, I have permanent images captured in my memory and my heart. I remain hopeful that one day I will see these folks again, and that we will be worshipping together at the feet of Jesus.

Thank you, Macon, for the reminder of the “brown gold” still tucked away in the hidden places of the earth that remain untouched, waiting for the message committed to us 2,000 years ago!

“And He committed to us the message of reconciliation.  We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf:

Be reconciled to God.  God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”.   II Corinthians 5: 20-21

       "Kuna Congreso"...a village church service   

       "Kuna Congreso"...a village church service   

Posted on January 29, 2018 and filed under Spiritual Growth, Character and Virtue.