Posts tagged #Devils Instructions; the evil plan

Jackie's Journey "Keep 'em Busy" Part Two


HELLO.  This is your friend the devil writing again. This is our follow-up meeting from last week’s guidelines with some specifics that will help us accomplish our goal.  At our last convening we discussed the topics for our worldwide convention.  This morning’s assembly will be shorter in length, but more personal and direct in our reaching optimum success.

Remember the goal is to keep those moms busy while we steal, kill and destroy them from within. Jn. 8:44             Let me give you the key to see this plan successfully accomplished:

Teach them to think about themselves.  Talk about themselves.   Use “I” as often as possible.  Mirror themselves continually in the opinion of others.  Listen greedily to what people say about them.  Make sure they expect to be appreciated and that they are suspicious, jealous and envious.  They should be self-sensitive to slights from others and never forgive a criticism.  They should trust nobody but themselves.  Make sure they insist on consideration and respect.  They should demand agreement with their own views on everything.  They should sulk if people are not grateful to them for favors shown them.  Teach them to be on the lookout for a good time for themselves and to shirk their duties if they can. Instruct them to do as little as possible for others and to love themselves supremely.  Make sure they are not only selfish but full of pride, seeking comfort and convenience.  Teach them to focus on the temporal and superficial…”  

Does this paragraph sound like anyone you know?

 It’s a full proof plan.  When families are busy stealing joy from one another, killing Godly opportunities and destroying relationships and godly pursuits of righteousness…we will have them defeated. Division and fragmentation of the family will expedite our efforts. 

As moms we need to know the evil plan against us and take courage in the power of our Conqueror, Jesus Christ.  We do not want to be the door that opens activity into our homes to the evil one.  We are at war…there is no room for lethargy, rebellion and disobedience, pride or selfishness!  We don’t shoot our wounded.  We take action!  We walk in His holiness and set the pace for those coming after us. We commit ourselves to the One who has already won the victory.  We become aggressive followers of the King of Kings and do what His instruction book commands us to do without rationalization.  We enthusiastically seek the lost and disciple the saved.  We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of our Almighty God (I Pet. 5:6), practice His presence and give our little ones an example to follow and a hope for the future.

Doesn’t that sound like a better plan?

 We can’t walk with God holding the hand of the devil…

Whose hand are you holding?

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.