Posts tagged #Christmas Promise

Jackie's Journey "Don't Waste Your Life!"

Two days ago, we celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ…”a Name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4: 12 “But indeed, all the earth was filled with the glory of the Lord, for the earth was full of the knowledge of our God…” Num.14: 21; Isa. 11:9   This Lord will be “king over all the earth and on that day there will be one Lord, and his Name the only Name.” Zecharaih 14: 9

The best part of Christmas is the promise that “everyone who calls on that Name will be saved…” Rom. 10: 13-15  The climax of the ages with its ultimate victory is encompassed in our taking the Christmas message, as the cross-bearing family of God, and making the Name of Jesus known by word and deed.  

In 200 A.D, Tertullian said, “Go on, rack, torture, grind us to powder; our numbers increase in proportion, as you mow us down.  The blood of Christians is their harvest seed.”  “The Calvary road is where all the riches of the glory of God in Christ are found. All the sweetest fellowship with Jesus is there.  All the treasures of assurance.  All the ecstasies of joy.  All the clearest sightings of eternity.  All the humblest affections.  All the noblest camaraderie.  All the most earnest prayers.  These are all on the Calvary road where Jesus walks with His people.  

 Take up your cross and follow Jesus.  On this road and this road alone, life is Christ and death is gain!  We don’t make the name of Christ famous by our strength, our financial success, our outward glamour.  No, His strength is made perfect in our weakness!” John Piper

How will they hear without a preacher?  The lack of denying self and an unwillingness to bear the shame of His name hinders the Christmas promise from becoming reality in someone’s life.  Most of us are not satisfied with the permanent output of our lives.  “Nothing can wholly satisfy the life of Christ within His followers except the adoption of Christ’s purpose toward the world He came to redeem.  Fame, pleasure, and riches are but husks and ashes in contrast with the boundless and abiding joy of working with God for the fulfillment of His eternal plans.

Those who are putting everything into Christ’s undertaking are getting out of life its sweetest and most priceless rewards.” J. Campbell White

 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 

‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’ 

 Then I said: ‘Here I am, send me.’”

Isaiah 6: 8

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.