Posts tagged #Announcement

Jackie's Journey "Just in Time for Valentine's Day!"

Princess Joy, Grace, Hope, Faith and Charity request the honor of your presence and hope you will join their enchanted celebration, whether as an extraordinary birthday with friends, a dreamy Valentines event, a fancy Tea Party or a treasured mommy-daughter bonding.

 We are announcing our Royal Princess Parable Party Packet just in time for Valentines Day!  Choosing to step outside fantasy and into the magical kingdom and authenticity of a loving and accepting God, our Party Packet will strengthen the belief that God made your little princess special and designed her with destiny and purpose.

 We designed our party inspirations for any event in the life of your little princess!  Tomorrow, Valentines Day is a perfect day to take a peek and begin enjoying the princesses’ party ideas.

 The Royal Princess Parable Party is a packet that can be downloaded from www.theprincessparables website.  It will inspire and enthusiastically motivate your child’s fun and enjoyable experience.  The Royal Party is carefully designed for girls 4-8.  It uniquely includes a personal invitation from each princess, detailed recipes, decoration ideas, activity cards with a specific character quality in the name of the Princess character, a Princess Parable Thought from the heart of the Princesses and instructions throughout that make it easy to create an event that is personalized and just right for the princess in your life.

 The innocent imagination of a small child and images of truth, hope, loyalty, joy, grace, charity and faith are a few of the magnificent opportunities that are ours when we accept the Royal Parable Princesses delightful invitation…



Jeanna and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy Sanchez for her hours of devoted labor, unending patience and perfect formatting of this work and Gina Johnston who, in nanotime, published it on the website in time for my birthday and Valentines Day!  Thank you, girls!  And thank you, Zondervan for the inspiration!


~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights. 

Posted on February 13, 2017 and filed under Announcements, Motherhood, Character and Virtue.