
This morning while the grass was still wet and the drops still hung on the roses from the California spring rain, my daughter and I set off to EGG her best friend's house.


When I was in high school, EGGING was a popular tradition, not one I remember enjoying. Egg guts can take the paint off any new car.

No, this was a different sort of EGGING, in the spirit of Easter and Christ, who died for our sins.

 “Mom, how many eggs should I fill with candy?”

 “Can we put a dollar in each of them for fun?”

 “They are going to be so surprised!!”

Being a mom means we find fun traditions to tie the heartstrings of our kids to us and ultimately to Jesus. Creating a life-giving home oftentimes means engaging my family in the world and the neighborhood we live in. Teaching our children to serve others and share the gospel begins in small ways. This Easter we are starting a new tradition – “egging” our neighbors and friends.

We filled 12 colorful plastic eggs and copied off the sign for their door. We headed off to their house without them knowing. We filled some eggs with candy because God is “sweet” on them. He just loves them so much. We put a dollar in a couple because it cost Jesus everything to die for us. And we left one empty because HE HAS RISEN! While everyone was inside, we taped the EGGED sign to the door and quickly hid the eggs around their yard. When we were finished, we knocked on the door for them to come out. The kids had so much fun finding the hidden Easter eggs.

Sharing Christ’s love this Easter can be as easy as EGGING a neighbor’s house. You can share them with friends by secretly doing it and leaving or sticking around to say ‘hi’. Either way, the blessing is just sharing this Easter tradition and sharing Christ’s love for others.

Of course, we had to leave our new book, A Royal Easter Story, hidden in the bushes for them to enjoy. Your princesses or knights will love the newest book in the Princess Parable series.

How will you be sharing the Joy of Easter this year?

Be sure to check out the giveaway we're doing for a custom princess parables dress! Head on over to the Princess Parables FB page to find out the details!

Photos Courtesy of CYD Weeks Photography

~Jeanna Young

When Jeanna is not writing, speaking, event planning, or homeschooling, she can be found scrapbooking her life, redecorating her home, loving on her husband, planning fun events for her kids or eating healthy to stay cancer-free!