“A blanket of powdery snow covered the castle walls. The princess sisters found themselves in a scene right out of a fairytale. The most remarkable winter in years has arrived. Christmas is only a night away. Princesses Joy, Grace, Faith, Charity and Hope are surrounded by glittering gifts, a huge Christmas tree in the parlor, sparkling candles, and a dramatic night sky with one star bigger and brighter than all the others. A sudden rap at the door of the castle puts the kingdom on immediate alert! Will a marauding band of outlaws ruin the princesses’ perfect Christmas Eve?”
This is an exciting day for Jeanna and I! Tomorrow, our newest seasonal release,
A Royal Christmas to Remember hits book stores and will be available through Amazon.com, christianbooks.com, Barnes and Noble, your local Christian book store…
This is the second of our seasonal books. Its appearance before the holiday season is perfectly timed to arrive before the Christmas crunch. Its story is timeless, taken from Luke 12:15-21, the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler. It is dedicated to the parents who strive to rescue their children from the materialistic focus of this time of year. It is for those of you who desire to introduce your child to the person who is the “reason for this season”…Jesus Christ.
Celebrate with us in grateful praise
as we acknowledge His enabling, leading and direction.
Princesses Joy, Grace, Faith, Hope and Charity
In Sally Clarkson’s recent book “Ministry of Motherhood” she wrote:
“Children need the authentic strength that comes from the true foundation of a biblical worldview and a proper understanding of the real Christ who is worthy of their worship! They need an unwavering moral and spiritual compass that will help them weather today’s storms and will guide them for the rest of their lives. They also need to see what a real faith looks like when lived day in, day out, so they will have a pattern to follow.”
The Princess Parables have been written with God’s worldview that teaches biblical character, eternal values and is designed to cultivate a desire to be a child of the true King of Kings! The Series is bible-based on a parable taught by the greatest teacher that ever lived. They encompass character-emphasized prince and princesses and eternal values are targeted. A Royal Christmas to Remember is written with these principles imposed onto every page.
Jeanna and I are blessed with the privilege of working together
to make this Christmas book available to you.
Faithful is He who called us who has also done it… I Thessalonians 5:24
Rejoice with us!
~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America. Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California. My passion is discipling and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.