My Detox

I started off 2015 with a detox.  Thirteen days to cleanse my body, soul and spirit.  Eight of those days were just liquid.  I admit, it is a bit hardcore. 

But you see, in 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer – 3 kinds of cancer, including the fast moving Her2 positive.  I had 8 tumors.  God healed my body through whole foods and detoxing.  I did undergo a double mastectomy; however, I didn’t have to do any chemotherapy or radiation as doctors had expected.  I took a test (Onco typeDX) that showed my body was already healing.  God healed me!  I was a medical miracle!

So my life is quite different now – my diet, my marriage, my children, my habits – pretty much most things.  I continue to eat a very healthy cancer-free diet (most of the time, but I sure love fudge at Christmas!).  Every year, I try to detox at a minimum of twice.  This year, my sweet hubby, Bruce, joined me on this quest.

Have you ever wanted to do a detox? 

                        To cleanse.                 To let go.                     To surrender.

I find these times are particularly hard, but very rewarding.  First, there is the physical aspect.  I really enjoy losing 10 pounds after the Christmas holiday since I snuck in a few too many sweets.  I love the energy that comes with a clean body.  I love waking up early in the morning – rising before the alarm.  I love fitting into clothes that I haven’t worn in awhile.  Gone is the bloated feeling of yesterday!

Next, I find that my mental and emotional health is cleansed too.  I tend to journal quite a bit during this time and write down many things.  I respond really well emotionally to long term self-control (not short term).  I identify less with food as the week goes on and that is very freeing for me.  Food has always been my emotional crutch so for 13 days, it can’t be.   I let go of things so much easier.  I find that I am less grumpy and short in the end with a clear mind for the future.

Finally, just like the Bible says, fasting is such an important part of faith.  Detox is our fancy new word for fast.  If you engage in this ancient ritual, you are among good company – Moses, Esther, Daniel, David and Jesus – just to name a few.  When I am fasting, the first couple of days are hard.  I have a headache.  I am listless.  I am barely making it.  But something magical happens on either day 3 or 4.  I have energy and a clear head.  My quiet times come alive.  I am focused, and God is able to show me his direction.  I don’t know if God is honoring the time or if I am just so foggy spiritually most of the time.  I can’t hear Him as easily most days.  But there is something powerful to leaving the food in the pantry.  I know the Bible talks about fasting for big decisions or things that you are waiting on the Lord for, but I also believe that fasting was for ordinary life, too.  As I read all the verses, it seems common and not unusual.  So for me, it is a sweet time of surrender – to give God my plans, my life, my all. Not surprising, He met me right where I was.

If you have ever wanted to detox – for your mind, body or soul – I encourage you to DO IT!  Make the time – you have to.  Otherwise, there will never be the PERFECT time.  Go on, God’s cheering you on – come to Him on an empty stomach and see what happens.  What do you have to lose?

Posted on January 15, 2015 and filed under Spiritual Growth.